(Readings: EPH 1:1-10; LK 11:47-54)
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he beginning of the letter of St Paul to the Ephesians
starts as a prayer of thanksgiving. Thus, we read: “Blessed be the God and
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every
spiritual blessing in the heavens….” We have here a revelation of who we are,
and the eternal will of God for us. For St. Paul, God’s plan for us started
even before the foundation of the world. So, we can say unequivocally that the
revelation of God in Jesus was not accidental; it corresponds to the eternal
will of God, therefore goes beyond the fall of Adam and Eve and its
Blessed and Chosen; This is Who We Are.
What does this mean? From its Latin origin, benedicere,
means: “to speak well of….” In other words, in Christ Jesus, God has spoken
well of us, pronounced words of blessings on us. It means that all the
spiritual blessings we need in our earthly journey have been provided to us.
Given that Christ is the unique mediator between God and mankind, (Cfr. 1
Timothy 2:5) it means that it is by relating with him personally that we can
receive our own spiritual blessings.
Connecting With Divine Blessings Through Faith.
Furthermore, understanding the mystery of Christ, and
entering into a personal relation with Him is not possible without faith. Faith
should be understood here as adherence of the whole person, intellect,
freewill, heart, soul…to God who reveals himself. We remember that Abraham, the
father in faith, was declared just because of his faith in God. No wonder why
God made this promise to him: “in your offspring shall all the nations of the
earth be blessed because you have obeyed my voice,” (Cfr. Genesis 22:17). Mary
was declared blessed among all women because she believed in the accomplishment
of the promise of God. So, one of the signs of faith is obedience. Obeying
God’s word revealed to us in Christ is faith in action.
Chosen to Be Righteous Before Him.
Reflecting on the primary purpose of our life on earth
is very important. If we believe that God does not act by chance, that God is
the master of time and history, then we should make this call to be righteous
the primary objective we pursue. What does it mean to “be holy and without
blemish before him”? Proverb 24:16 says: “for the righteous falls seven
times and rises again…” So, holiness does not mean to be without sin.
Beyond the symbolic meaning of the figure seven, I understand that holiness
consists of striving each day to believe in God’s infinite and unconditional
Love for us, to keep one’s eyes focused on Christ Jesus, irrespective of the
storms of life. If we see this as the primary purpose of why we are here on
Earth, then we need to constantly review our lives in the light this divine
Redeemed in Christ
Beyond the reality of sin and evil in the world today,
we can strive to see the larger picture of God’s will for humanity. As St Paul
said, “In Christ we have redemption by his Blood, the forgiveness of
transgressions.” Believing that we have been redeemed and forgiven thanks to
the precious blood of Jesus provides us with inner strength to continue our
earthly pilgrimage. This leads us to constant renewal of our inner life and
help us experience the blessing of inner peace. Because God has adopted us in
Christ, as Christians we have this beautiful but demanding mission of being
expressions of God’s spiritual blessings lavished for all humanity.
May today be for us an opportunity to rediscover how
we are so loved by God who is practically begging us to allow Him shine in us
always and everywhere.
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