Meditation on Luke 9:43-45. 

“While everyone was marveling at all that Jesus did, he said to his disciples, “Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you: The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. But they did not understand what this meant. It was hidden from them, so that they did not grasp it, and they were afraid to ask him about it.”


The Marvel and the Mystery:

In today’s Gospel, for the second time, Jesus announced his suffering and death to his disciples, (the first time being in Luke 9, 21-27). In the passage leading up to these verses, Jesus has just performed another great miracle — (v.37-42) the healing of a boy with a demon. The crowd is in awe of Jesus’ power and authority, marveling at the wonders He is performing. Amidst this atmosphere of amazement and admiration, Jesus decides to share a profound truth with His closest followers, his disciples.

It is as if the clamor of applause and wonder creates a protective sound barrier around Jesus and His disciples, allowing for a moment of intimacy amidst the public spectacle. Jesus beckons His disciples closer and says, “Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you.”

The Difficult Truth :

Jesus’ announcement about His impending suffering and betrayal stands in sharp contrast to the grand miracles and teachings He had been demonstrating and also to the image most people probably had about him: a miracle worker. It is a jarring truth that His disciples couldn’t wrap their heads around. How could this Messiah, this powerhouse of divine authority, be delivered into the hands of mere men?

The Veil of Understanding

The fact that the disciples did not understand this prophecy and were even afraid to ask about it is significant. Their lack of understanding symbolizes how God’s plans often remain hidden from human understanding. God’s wisdom transcends our own, and His ways are not always immediately clear to us. This veil serves as a reminder that faith requires trust, even when or especially when we do not understand. This is very important because in the midst of sufferings (especially when we suffer injustice) we usually ask “God, where are you?”.  

Suffering of Jesus : The Paradox of the Cross.

To a world seeking power and victory, Jesus offers a paradox. The Son of God, the embodiment of divine love, chose to undergo suffering, betrayal, and ultimately death for our sake. He didn’t shy away from unjust pain but embraced it. And in this embrace, we see the depth of His love for humanity. He has taken upon himself our wounded humanity since the fall of Adam and Eve. In him we are reconciled with God for he has prayed: “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing”.

Our faith is nourished not just by the miracles Jesus performed but also by His vulnerability, His humanity, His willing submission to the Will of his Father for our salvation. Through the cross, suffering is given a new meaning, it becomes a testament to love, sacrifice, and redemption.


If you ever feel overwhelmed by the sufferings of life, of injustice, humiliation, hatred, etc., remember the experience of Jesus. Recall how Jesus, amidst the marvels of His miracles, did not shy away from the hard truths of His journey. He invites us into this intimate understanding, asking us to trust Him even when the path seems incomprehensible.

In the sufferings of Jesus, we find a divine invitation, to believe that even in pain, God’s love is at work, bringing about a redemption that we might not immediately see, but one that is eternally significant. This is the reason why Jesus invited whoever wants to be his disciple to self-renouncement, carrying one’s cross and following him.

Let us, then, draw near to Jesus in our moments of confusion or pain, trusting that He who embraced suffering out of love for us will guide us through our own trials and lead us into His eternal embrace.


Let us pray:

Heavenly Father,

Amidst the wonders and mysteries of Your divine plan, we come before You with humble hearts. Just as the disciples marveled at Jesus’ miracles, let us also find awe in Your eternal wisdom, even when it remains veiled from our understanding.

Lord Jesus, You embraced the path of suffering and sacrifice out of boundless love for us. Help us to trust in Your ways, even when they are difficult to comprehend. In our moments of doubt or pain, draw us closer to Your heart, reminding us that in every trial, Your love is ever-present.

Strengthen our faith, O God, and grant us the grace to walk alongside You, trusting in Your redemptive love that transcends all earthly understanding.

We make our prayers through Christ our Lord, Amen!


  1. The Cross of Chris is indeed a paradox. The punishement reserved for criminal in the Roman empire was what Jesus received. Thus he fulfilled the prophecy of the suffering messiah of Prophet Isaiah 53,5.


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