Tuesday, September 26, 2023

We are Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus and Mother Mary

Exploring the Spiritual brotherhood in Christ beyond blood ties. 
(Luke 8:19-21).

In today’s reflection, we delve into an episode from the public ministry of Jesus, as recounted in Luke 8:19-21. This passage not only sheds light on the dynamic between biological and spiritual relationships but also offers profound insights into the nature of our connection with Christ.

The Search for Jesus:

The scene opens with Jesus addressing a crowd, and then His mother and brothers arriving, seeking to meet Him. While Luke’s Gospel doesn’t explicitly state their purpose, the Gospel of Mark (Mark 3:20-22) suggests they came because they believed Jesus was “out of his mind.” Regardless of their motivation, their search for Jesus holds a significant message. This reminds me of words of St Paul to the Corinthians saying: “For the foolishness of God is wiser that man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger that man’s strength.” (1 Corinthians 1: 25). Indeed God’s ways might be surprising to us sometimes.

A Surprising Response:

Jesus’ response to those who informed Him of His family's presence is remarkable. He declares, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it.” In Matthew’s account, Jesus extends this thought further, emphasizing that those who do the will of His Father in heaven are His true family.

Elevating Relationships: What Jesus is communicating here transcends biological ties. He invites us to ascend to a higher understanding of brotherhood and kinship. By beginning with His own mother, Mary, He underscores that Mother Mary’s identity goes beyond being merely the biological his mother. She is foremost the one “who heard the word of God and acted on it, the one who did perfectly well  the will of the Father in heaven.” It was thanks to her “Yes” to God’s call that the Word took flesh in her, that salvation was brought to us.

A Universal Family: This revelation implies that anyone who aligns with the will of the heavenly Father becomes part of the greater family of God and can rightly call Jesus their brother. The beauty of this truth lies in the fact that all who align with the divine will become brothers and sisters with Mary as their mother. While those who share blood relations refer to themselves as brothers and sisters, there is an even deeper and more profound brotherhood in those who align with the will of God. This means that wants us to seek the will of God and act on it. This is exactly what Jesus did, especially in the most critical moments of his life; he prayed that not his will but the Father’s will be done (Luke 22, 42). We believe that Jesus’ will cannot contain anything bad, evil, yet he surrendered to God’s will. I believe that this is why lies the secret of his mission successes.


In contemplating this passage, we are prompted to reconsider the nature of our relationships, emphasizing the spiritual connections that transcend the boundaries of biology. The message from Luke 8:19-21 encourages us to view ourselves as members of a universal family of God founded by Jesus and Mother Mary, bound together by our dedication to hearing and acting upon the word of God. In doing so, we embrace the extraordinary truth that we are indeed brothers and sisters in Christ.

Prayer moment:

Heavenly Father,

As we reflect on the words of Jesus in Luke 8:19-21, we are reminded of the profound truth that we are not only bound by blood but by our shared commitment to hear and act upon Your Word. We thank You for the gift of spiritual kinship, for the understanding that we are all part of the great family of God.

Help us, Lord, to embrace this universal brotherhood and sisterhood with open hearts and open arms. May we always seek to do Your will and, in doing so, strengthen our connection with You and with one another.

We pray for the grace to see beyond the confines of biology and recognize the deeper bonds that unite us as followers of Christ. Let this awareness guide our actions and relationships, that we may truly live out the message of love and unity that Jesus exemplified.

We make our prayers through Christ our Lord! Amen.



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