Monday, October 16, 2023



The journey of faith can often feel like an arduous pilgrimage through a vast and at times, an unforgiving landscape. The world is riddled with challenges, temptations, and countless voices that seek to drown out the voice of Truth of the Gospel. It's in these moments that the words of St. Paul to the Romans shine like a beacon, guiding us back to the essence of our Christian calling.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…” (Romans 1:16)

Through Christ, We Have Received the Grace to Be Apostles

We are called to be follow Christ thanks to our baptism. Every Christian's calling is rooted in the transformative grace received through Jesus Christ. This isn't a grace that merely assures our personal salvation; it's a grace that empowers, equips, and sends us out as ambassadors of Christ. We are made apostles, not by our merits, but by the unending mercy of God. An apostle is someone sent on a mission – and our mission, handed down by Christ Himself, is to spread the Good News to every corner of the earth.

But how do we embrace this apostolic identity amidst the challenges of our earthly pilgrimage?

We must remind ourselves that the strength to proclaim the Gospel doesn't come from ourselves but from the very grace we've received. Just as St. Paul wasn't ashamed of the Gospel, we too should wear our faith like a badge of honor, a testament to the life-changing power of God's love. As apostles, our lives become living testimonies of God's redemptive work, speaking louder than any words can.


To Bring About the Obedience of Faith for the Sake of Christ's Name

St. Paul continues, “ bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations...” (Romans 1:5)

Faith is not just a passive belief; it's an active obedience. It's a commitment to align our lives, our actions, and our choices with the teachings and the heart of Christ. When we talk about the “obedience of faith,” we are talking about a life that is in full submission to the will of God.

And why? “For the sake of his name.”

The name of Jesus holds power. It's a name that heals, saves, and transforms. Our lives, as Christians, are meant to uphold and magnify this name. Every act of kindness, every word of encouragement, every stand for justice, and every outreach of love should point back to Him. In our pilgrimage, we are both recipients and bearers of God's grace. Through our obedience, we not only draw closer to Him but also invite others to experience the same life-giving relationship.

As we meditate on these words of St. Paul, let's remember our dual role in this earthly pilgrimage: as recipients of God's unfathomable grace and as apostles tasked with sharing this grace with others. Let's pray for the courage to live out our faith with genuine obedience, ensuring that every step we take today glorifies the name of Jesus.

Lord, grant us the strength to walk boldly as your apostles, to live a life of active faith, and to always point others to the saving power of Your name. Amen.





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Un Regard Qui Transforme une Vie (Luc 5,27-32)

Chères Sœurs et chers Frères, que la Paix et l’Amour du Christ soient avec vous tous !!! Aujourd’hui, nous méditons sur l’appel de Lévi,...