Monday, October 2, 2023

HEAVENLY COMPANIONS: CELBRATING OUR GUARDIAN ANGELS [1st Reading : Exodus 23:20-23: Gospel. Matthew 18:1-5, 10]




God’s Protective Care through Angels.

In the hush of sacred spaces, we gather today, reflecting on the mystery and the majesty of our Guardian Angels. Our Catholic faith teaches us of the unseen presence of these celestial guardians, assigned to guide and protect us in our journey towards our eternal home.

Guidance beyond the physical realm.

Today’s feast provides us with an opportunity to re-connect  with our guardian angels, speak with them. The Exodus passage offers a vivid portrayal of God’s protective care. Just as God sent an angel to lead and safeguard the Israelites, each one of us is accompanied by a guardian angel to steer us through life’s deserts and challenges. It's not just about physical protection, but spiritual guidance. This angelic guide, carrying God's name within, demands our attention and obedience, nudging us towards righteousness and away from disobedience to God's will. 

Embracing Angelic qualities.  

This directive to listen and pay attention to the guiding angel can be juxtaposed with the simplicity of Christ's words in the Gospel of Matthew. By placing a child in the midst of His disciples, Jesus beautifully exemplifies the qualities needed to recognize and heed the gentle whispers of our guardian angels: innocence, humility, and trust. It is no coincidence then, that the angels of these ‘little ones’ gaze continuously upon the face of God.

Both readings speak of a heavenly link – a connection maintained by these guardian angels between humanity and divinity. They stand as intermediaries, ensuring that the innocence of a child's soul and the yearnings of every heart do not go unnoticed by the heavens.

Padre Pio and Guardian Angels.

I would like to share here with you one of the numerous stories about Padre Pio and Guardian Angels. It was said that during his earthly life, Padre Pio had a personal relationship with his guardian angel, he was privileged to see him, know his name and often conversed with him. A story was told of a certain Cecil Humphrey-Smith, a well known gentleman from England, who was one of Padre Pio’s spiritual children. Whilst in Italy, during the time Padre Pio was alive, Cecil had a car crash and was very seriously injured. A friend of his, seeing him in such a bad condition afterwards, went to the Post Office and sent a telegram to Padre Pio requesting his prayers for the injured Cecil. When he presented the telegram at the desk, the man gave him back a telegram from Padre Pio assuring his prayers for Cecil Humphrey-Smith's recovery.

It was some months before Cecil was in good enough shape to travel again, but immediately he had recovered he made tracks for San Giovanni Rotondo. On this occasion, both Cecil and his friend met Padre Pio and they thanked him for his prayers. At the same time, they were curious to know how he came to know about the accident and how a telegram had arrived in such a short space of time. In response to their demand, Padre Pio, in his humoristic way said: “Do you think the Angels go as slowly as the planes?”[1]

Embracing angelic presence.

As we celebrate the Feast of Guardian Angels, let's remind ourselves to embrace childlike humility and purity. Only then can we truly tune in to the subtle guidance of these divine messengers. Their protection isn't merely about avoiding physical harm, but about preserving our spiritual well-being, guiding our hearts towards God, and keeping our souls unstained by the world. It is also a call to be “guardian angels for one another”. This is achievable through daily little acts of charity, kindness, works of mercy, etc.

Today, in gratitude and wonder, we whisper a silent prayer, acknowledging and thanking these tireless guardians who constantly bridge our earthly journey with the celestial realms. May we, inspired by their constant gaze upon God, also strive to fix our eyes upon our Heavenly Father, knowing that as we walk through life, we are never truly alone. May we listen to their tiny voice in the silence of our hearts. 


Let Us Pray.

Heavenly Father, creator of all that is seen and unseen,

We gather in reverence, embracing the mystery of our Guardian Angels.

As they watch over us, guide us, and protect our path,

May we be ever mindful of their presence, a testament to Your love.


Grant us the grace to listen to their gentle whispers,

To embody innocence, humility, and trust in our daily walk,

And to find in their guidance, a beacon towards righteousness.


Today, as we reflect on the stories and teachings shared,

Help us deepen our connection with these celestial guardians,

May their constant gaze upon You inspire us to fix our eyes on the Divine.


Thank you for these tireless protectors, bridging our earthly journey with the heavens.

Remind us, O Lord, that in our every step, we are never truly alone.

We make our prayers through Christ our Lord.



[1]. EWTN, "Padre Pio and the Guardian Angels", in 

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