Saturday, October 14, 2023


Today’s Gospel sheds more light on the identity of Mary as the Mother of Jesus. In the bustling crowd, amidst the hushed whispers and the longing hearts, there stood a woman who would forever be etched in the pages of the Gospel of Luke. She, like many others, had been following Jesus, drawn to the profound wisdom and love that radiated from Him. Her name was not given in this passage, but her actions and words speak volumes about the longing of the human soul and the transformative power of encountering Christ.

The Reaction of the Woman:

As the crowd swirled around Jesus, listening to the words of wisdom coming out of this mouth, she couldn't contain her excitement and reverence for Jesus. In the midst of the throng, her voice rang out, breaking through the noise. She exclaimed, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!” It was a declaration of admiration and reverence for Mary, the mother of Jesus. She thought, like many do, that Mary’s blessedness was solely rooted in her physical connection to the Messiah.

What This Reveals About Mary:

This moment reveals something profound about Mary. Her life, marked by humility, obedience, and unwavering faith, had indeed been blessed in a unique way. But her blessedness extended far beyond her biological relationship with Jesus. It lay in her complete surrender to God’s divine plan, saying “yes” to the angel Gabriel, and nurturing the Savior of the world. Mary’s blessedness was a result of her deep spiritual connection with God and her willingness to fulfill His purpose.

Jesus’ Response:

In response to the woman’s exclamation, Jesus did something characteristically profound. He said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” With these words, Jesus redirected the focus away from mere physical lineage and towards the true essence of blessedness.

The Meaning of Jesus’ Reply:

Jesus is teaching us all a crucial lesson. While Mary is indeed blessed for her role in God’s plan, true blessedness is not confined to a particular lineage or privilege. True blessedness is for everyone who hears the word of God and keeps it. It is for those who, like Mary, respond in faith and obedience to God's calling, allowing His Word to transform their lives.

So, let us take this message to heart. Let us not seek blessedness in worldly pursuits or external relationships alone. Instead, let us strive for the blessedness that comes from hearing the word of God, meditating on it, and living it out in our daily lives.

May Mary, the blessed mother of our Lord, serves as a beautiful example of humility and obedience. Like her, let us say “yes” to God’s will, and in doing so, may we find the true blessedness that Jesus promised, a blessedness that transcends all earthly circumstances and endures for all eternity.



Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before you today with humble hearts, inspired by the lessons from Luke 11:27-28. Just as the woman in the crowd exclaimed the blessedness of Mary, we, too, recognize the unique role she played in your divine plan.

Yet, Lord, we also heed the profound words of your Son, Jesus, who reminded us that true blessedness is not solely found in lineage but in hearing and keeping your Word. We pray that you help us internalize this truth in our lives.

May we, like Mary, find the courage to say “yes” to your will, to embrace obedience and faith as she did. May we strive for the blessedness that comes from a deep relationship with you, meditating on your Word, and living it out each day.

Guide us, O Lord, to seek the blessedness that transcends worldly pursuits and earthly ties. Help us to align our hearts with your divine purpose, that we may experience the lasting joy and peace that only you can provide.

We make our prayers through Christ our Lord! Amen


1 comment:

  1. This is quite beautiful, understanding that blessedness is for all. The key to have access to it is imitating Mother Mary is being Obedient to the Word of God, allowing it to take flesh in our lives.


Un Regard Qui Transforme une Vie (Luc 5,27-32)

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