Monday, October 9, 2023


Background of the story:

The book of Jonah opens with the word of the Lord coming to Jonah, the son of Amittai. God commands Jonah to go to Nineveh, a great city with wicked people, and cry out against it. Instead of obeying God’s command, Jonah flees to Tarshish, hoping to escape God’s presence. He boards a ship, but the Lord sends a storm that threatens to sink the ship. When the sailors determined that Jonah is the cause of the storm, he admitted his disobedience and suggested that they throw him overboard to calm the storm. The sailors, initially reluctant, eventually complied. Once Jonah is thrown into the sea, the storm ceased, and the Lord sent a great fish to swallow Jonah, where he remained for three days and three nights. This story serve as a great lesson for us today.  

The Inescapable Presence of God:

Jonah tried to run from the presence of the Lord, thinking he could escape His watchful gaze and mandate. However, God’s omnipresence means He is everywhere, and there’s no corner of the earth or depth of the sea where we can hide from Him. As Christians, we need to recognize that it’s futile to run from God’s calling or His presence. Instead of trying to escape, it’s wiser to embrace His plans, for they always lead to a higher purpose. Moreover, God cannot call to accomplish a mission beyond our capacity. The problem is that we are sometimes too afraid, focused to much on ourselves and not on the One who calls us.

The Consequences of Disobedience:

Jonah’s disobedience led not only to personal distress but also endangered the lives of innocent sailors. When we disobey God’s will, it may have repercussions that affect not only our lives but the lives of those around us. Disobedience can lead to chaos, pain, and unintended consequences. This story reminds Christians of the importance of obedience to God’s commands and the potential ramifications of turning away from His guidance.

Heed God’s Call with Courage:

Every Christian has a purpose and a unique call, be it big or small. It may be to share the Good News, to be a beacon of hope in a community, or to show love to a neighbor. When God calls, it’s essential to respond with courage and faith, even if the task seems daunting or challenging. Nineveh was no ordinary city; it was a center of wickedness. Yet, God chose Jonah for this mission. Similarly, Christians are sometimes called to daunting tasks, but with God, all things are possible. The priest and the Levite in the Gospel lacked the courage to overcome their apprehensions, and fear breaching the law of impurity, (Leviticus 21, 1-3) and thus were unable to help the man left half-dead on the road. In contrast, a Samaritan, considered to be an outsider who displayed the courage to help the wounded-man; his love went beyond borders, be it religious, cultural or otherwise. In our society, we have people who carry various kinds of wounds: spiritual, emotional, psychological, physical, etc. They need modern Good Samaritans, courageous Jonah to find healing and salvation.

Seek Repentance and Restoration:

Instead of persistently running away from God’s call or dwelling in guilt, when we find ourselves in a situation where we’ve strayed from God’s path, it’s crucial to seek repentance and restoration. Jonah’s time in the belly of the fish can be seen as a period of reflection and repentance. Likewise, we need to take time to reflect upon our actions, the possible consequences for us and others and when necessary seek forgiveness, and then move forward, realigned with God’s purpose.

In conclusion, the story of Jonah is a profound reminder of God’s omnipresence, the importance of obedience, and the grace that follows repentance. It calls Christians to be courageous in heeding God’s call and to always seek alignment with His divine will.


Let us Pray:

Heavenly Father, omnipresent and all-knowing,

Guide us when we waver and when fear takes hold.

When we are called, let us respond with courage,

And when we stray, lead us back to Your fold.


May we always remember that nowhere is beyond Your gaze,

That Your plans for us are filled with love and grace.

When challenges arise, remind us of Your endless might,

And in moments of weakness, be our guiding light.


Help us to heed Your call with unwavering faith,

To recognize the repercussions of our choices,

And to always seek repentance when we falter.


Grant us the wisdom to embrace Your divine will,

And the strength to serve with a heart that's still.

In Your mercy, lead us to restoration,

And let our lives be a testament to Your salvation.

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