Friday, October 13, 2023


Today, Catholics all over the world commemorate the last day of Apparitions of our Blessed Mother Mary to the three kids in Fatima, Portugal. The light of Christ that shines through Mother Mary and continues to shine echoes the spiritual battle that started in heaven between Archangel Michael and lucifer. To meditate on this battle, I suggest a short and beautiful story. 

The Caged Bird and the Shadow.

In a quaint village nestled between two mountains, there was a legend about a golden bird named Lumina and a shadowy creature named Obscura. Lumina sang melodies that could heal the sick, mend broken hearts, and bring joy to anyone who heard its song. Its golden feathers shimmered in the sunlight, representing the light of truth and the warmth of love.

But Obscura, a creature birthed from doubt and fear, hated Lumina's song. Every time Lumina sang, Obscura would try to drown out the melody with its shrill screams, casting shadows over the village. Obscura wanted the villagers to forget the light and live in a world of confusion and despair.

One day, using deceit, Obscura managed to trap Lumina in a cage, preventing it from flying or singing freely. With Lumina caged, the village was shrouded in darkness, and despair spread among the villagers.

Yet, even from within the cage, Lumina continued to shine and sing softly. A young girl named Mira, feeling the faint light of hope, approached the cage. Drawn to Lumina's perseverance, she realized the importance of the spiritual battle at hand. She saw that while Lumina was caged physically, its spirit remained unbroken.

Mira rallied the villagers, reminding them of the power of faith, hope, and love. United in prayer and determination, their collective faith created a force that broke the cage, freeing Lumina. The golden bird soared high, its song more potent than ever, dispelling Obscura's darkness.

The village was once again bathed in light, and the people learned an invaluable lesson. The battle between light and darkness is ever-present, but with faith and unity, light will always prevail.


This story mirrors the spiritual battles we face. Just as Lumina represents the light of truth and love (akin to the Kingdom of God), Obscura signifies the forces that aim to overshadow and suppress that light. Through perseverance, faith, and collective action, we can overcome the shadows and let the light shine.

Light from Fatima: October 13th commemoration:

In 1917, Our Lady of Fatima appeared to three shepherd children in Portugal, revealing urgent messages for the world. Much like Lumina's song in our story, the messages from Fatima are a source of light, hope, and guidance. One of the central themes of Fatima is the call to prayer, particularly the Rosary, and penance for the conversion of sinners and for peace in the world.

Obscura's attempts to drown out Lumina's song and cast shadows over the village parallel the pervasive forces of darkness in our world that spread doubt, fear, and conflict. Our Lady warned of the consequences of humanity's disobedience to God, much like the darkness that enveloped the village when Lumina was caged. She spoke of wars, suffering, and the persecution of the Church if humanity did not convert and heed her calls.

However, just as Mira rallied the villagers to unite in faith and action, Our Lady of Fatima emphasizes the power of collective prayer and sacrifice. She promised that, through devotion to her Immaculate Heart and by praying the Rosary daily, we can bring about peace and the conversion of hearts. This collective effort is crucial in combating the spiritual battles we face, as seen in both the story and the Fatima messages.

By connecting the story to Fatima, we're reminded of the significance of our individual and collective efforts. Our prayers, sacrifices, and good works are not just personal acts; they contribute to a larger spiritual battle. Our Lady's call at Fatima urges us to recognize the power of darkness disseminating terror worldwide but, more importantly, the even greater power of united hearts devoted to prayer and good works in dispelling that darkness.

Drawing these connections, we can better appreciate the timeless relevance of the Fatima messages and their alignment with the universal theme of light versus darkness.


Happy feast of commemoration of last message of Our Lady of Fatima and miracle of the sun!

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