Yesterday, we meditated on the Annunciation
of Angel Gabriel to Mother Mary and how her “Yes” paved the way for the mystery
of Incarnation of Jesus. Today’s Gospel
comes as a continuity with the annunciation. It is a splendid encounter between
Mary and her cousin Elizabeth: two women whom God used to accomplish His plan
of salvation. This Gospel helps us understand further the identity of Mary and
the profound nature of her mission as Mother of our Savior.
The first thing that strikes me in this Gospel
is the promptitude with which Mary acted on the message of angle Gabriel. St
Luke says: “Mary set out in those days and traveled to the hill country in
haste to a town of Judah.” This journey of Mary is not just physical, but
deeply spiritual. Her haste speaks to the urgency and importance of her
mission. She carries within her the Savior of the world, and her journey to
Elizabeth is a testament to her immediate acceptance and active participation
in God's plan. She goes rapidly to share
the Good News to her cousin.
The encounter between Mary and Elizabeth is
rich in theological significance. When Elizabeth hears Mary’s greeting, the
child in her womb leaps for joy. And we see here the work of the Holy Spirit,
the source of divine joy. Child Jesus
and child John the Baptist equally met in the spiritual realm. One is already rejoicing
in the mission of the other who will prepare the way for him. They teach that
human life is sacred and has divine origine, thus not reducible to the biological
Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit,
recognizes Mary's blessedness and the extraordinary nature of the child she
carries. Through her mouth, mother Mary is proclaimed “Blessed among all women,
and blessed is the fruit of her womb.” This recognition by Elizabeth and her
unborn child, John the Baptist, point out the sacredness of Mary’s role. She is
an active participant in salvation history, chosen and blessed among women.
Moreover, this encounter reveals the
profound humility and faith of Mary. Despite her young age and the bewildering
circumstances, her response to God's call is one of faith and obedience. In
her, we see the perfect model of discipleship. Mary's journey to Elizabeth
shows her willingness to serve and her deep compassion, as she goes to assist
her elderly relative. She teaches us the importance of creative charity and
being prompt in doing good without tergiversation.
Furthermore, this narrative foreshadows the
mission of Jesus. Just as John the Baptist leaps in joy at the presence of
Christ still in Mary's womb, so too will the coming of Christ into the world
bring joy and salvation. It is a moment that anticipates the transformative
power of Jesus, the light that will shine in the darkness.
In the approach to the Feast of the
Nativity of Jesus, this passage invites us, as Christians, to contemplate the
role of Mary in God’s plan of salvation. She is more than the mother of Jesus;
she is the Theotokos, the God-bearer, a model of faith and
humility for all believers. Her journey to Elizabeth reminds us to embrace
God’s call with haste, to serve with compassion, and to anticipate the joy that
Christ brings into our lives.
As we prepare to celebrate the birth of
Christ, let us reflect on Mary's journey, her encounter with Elizabeth, and the
profound mystery of the Incarnation. In this season, we are called to emulate
Mary's faithfulness and to open our hearts to the transformative power of
Christ's coming. Let this time be one of deep spiritual renewal, as we draw
nearer to the mystery of God made flesh, born of the Virgin Mary, for the
salvation of all.
Let us pray:
Heavenly Father, as we prepare our hearts
for the coming of Your Son, inspire us with the faith and humility of the
Blessed Virgin Mary. Grant us the grace to embrace Your will with joy and to
serve with the urgency and love she showed on her journey to Elizabeth.
In this holy season of Advent, fill us with
the joy and peace of Your presence. May the encounter of Mary and Elizabeth,
filled with the Holy Spirit, remind us of the great joy that Jesus brings into
our world and our lives.
Lord, guide us in the path of righteousness
and love as we await the birth of our Savior. Help us to reflect Your light and
love in our actions and words, following the example of Mary's faithful
obedience. We make our prayers through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
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