Saturday, December 2, 2023



In today's fast-paced and often tumultuous world, the message of Jesus in Luke 21:34-36 is more pertinent than ever for us Christians. We are invited to  embrace two attitudes essential for our spiritual growth and perseverance: vigilance and prayer.

Firstly, let us consider the attitude of vigilance. Jesus warns us against a spiritual drowsiness, a state where our hearts become preoccupied with worldly pleasures and anxieties of life. This vigilance is not just about being watchful; it’s about maintaining an acute awareness of our spiritual state. In an era where material pursuits and personal ambitions can easily consume us, we need to remain alert, ensuring that our actions and thoughts are in harmony with our faith. This vigilance is a call to keep our spiritual life at the forefront, not letting the immediacy of worldly concerns overshadow our eternal perspective.

However, it is important to acknowledge that it is never easy to be vigilant at all time. There are moments when we have doubts, feel tired and even discouraged.  So, what are the possible means of living out what Jesus is telling us today? In the first place, I think it is important to keep in mind that God will never ask us to do what is not possible, what is beyond our capacity. Believing in our hearts that it’s possible could be the first step. To acquire and grow in this attitude of vigilance, there is the need for us to be mindful of our thoughts, actions and try to align them with Gospel teachings. Its more about developing an ingrained sense of consciousness about one’s life and choices.

Secondly, Jesus calls us to find strength in prayer. It is through prayer that we find the strength to face life’s trials and tribulations. Jesus emphasizes the necessity of prayer not only as a means to seek relief and strength but also as a way to gain wisdom and clarity that helps us to understand events in our lives and in the world.  In a world rife with conflicts, both personal and global, prayer becomes our humble acknowledgment of dependence on God’s power. It is in these moments of prayerful communion that we find the clarity and guidance on our earthly pilgrimage. In prayer we learn to present to God our lives: joys, pains, doubts, anger, weaknesses, deceptions, failures.

Without vigilance, a prayer life may lack discernment and awareness of the realities of the world. Vigilance in this context means being watchful and alert to the temptations and challenges of life. Without it, we might become overly passive or naive, failing to actively engage with and respond to the world’s complexities. This could lead to a form of spirituality that is disconnected from everyday realities and challenges. Unfortunately, Christians find themselves sometimes in this situation.

Therefore, as Christians living in a time filled with distractions, social, economic, political and moral crises, let us heed Jesus’s call with renewed fervor. Let us not succumb to the lures of this world that can so easily lead us astray. Let us commit to a life of prayer, where we constantly seek God's presence and guidance. In doing so, we prepare ourselves not just to face the trials of this world but to stand confidently before the Son of Man.

Finally, Jesus invites us to live a life deeply rooted in spiritual awareness and connection with God. Amid the unpredictability and challenges of our times, let us embrace vigilance and prayer as our guiding principles and style of life. In this way, we can sail across the complexities of life with faith and grace, always ready for the coming of the Son of Man. May our blessed mother Mary, the model of Vigilance and Prayer lead us to her son Jesus!


Let us pray: 

Heavenly Father,

In the whirlwind of life's distractions and trials, we seek Your guidance to remain vigilant in our faith. Help us to stay spiritually awake, not losing sight of Your eternal promises amidst the transient lures of this world. Grant us the wisdom to discern and the strength to resist that which leads us away from You.

In prayer, we turn to You, our steadfast source of strength and hope. Teach us to pray with hearts open and minds focused, that we may draw closer to You each day. May our prayers be a reflection of our dependence on Your divine grace and a testament to our trust in Your unfailing love.

Guide us, O Lord, to live in readiness and faith, that we may stand confidently before the Son of Man when He comes.  We make our prayers through Christ our Lord.



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