Brothers and sisters in Christ, let our
hearts turn to the sacred mountainside in Galilee, where the risen Christ meets
his disciples, forever altering the course of history. In Matthew 28:16-20, his
words echo across the ages, an invitation not just for those eleven, but for
every soul yearning for purpose and belonging. Today, are we poised to
receive his message afresh, and it's eternal relevance even in our diverse contexts of life?
A Glimpse of Doubt and Awe: The disciples gather, some worshipping,
others doubting. This raw honesty resonates with each of us. We too grapple
with moments of faith and uncertainty. Yet, Jesus doesn't condemn their doubts;
he acknowledges them, reminding us that faith is a journey, not a destination.
His presence dispels the shadows, and worship blooms, a testament to the
enduring power of his love.
From Witness to Emissary: “All authority in heaven and on earth has
been given to me, «declares Jesus. This isn't a boast, but an assurance. In
entrusting his mission to us, he elevates us from mere witnesses to active
participants in his redemptive story. No longer are we passive observers; we
are empowered to share his light. He shares this authority with whoever
believes in Him. We can accomplish the same as He did and even greater ones because
He has gone to the Father and henceforth in His name we can pray and be
The Universal Embrace: “Go therefore and make disciples of all
nations” he commands. This isn't about forced conversions or religious
imperialism. It's about embodying Christ's love in our actions, radiating
compassion, and offering the hope of the Gospel with humility and respect. Our
mission field isn't confined to distant lands; it's our families, workplaces,
communities, wherever we encounter another soul seeking truth and meaning.
The Baptismal Embrace: “Baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Baptism signifies not just
washing away sin, but being enveloped in the divine embrace. It's a call to
live in constant communion with the Trinity, drawing strength and guidance from
their loving presence. Every act of love, every word of kindness, becomes an
extension of this baptismal vow, a ripple of God's grace in the world.
Living the Teachings: “Teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you.” Jesus' teachings aren't burdens but
liberating guides. They illuminate the path of love, forgiveness, and service.
Whether you're a parent, a professional, an artist, or a student, his message
translates into concrete actions. The doctor heals with compassion, the teacher
inspires young minds, the parent nurtures with love, all expressions of living
his teachings in their unique context.
The Never-Ending Presence: “And behold, I am with you always, to the
end of the age.” This promise resonates like a warm embrace. No matter where
life takes us, we are never alone. In moments of doubt, his presence soothes.
In times of trial, his strength upholds. Even in the valley of death, his light
Receiving Christ’s Invitation: So, dear brothers and sisters, how do we
receive this invitation in our daily lives? It starts with a willing heart,
open to God's guidance. Seek him in prayer, reflection, and service. Let his
love flow through you, touching the lives around you. Be the beacon of hope in
your community, the embodiment of Christ's compassion in your interactions.
Remember, the mission isn't about grand gestures; it's about the small acts of
love, the kind words, the helping hand – all woven together to create a chain
of grace.
As we ponder these words, let us not be
daunted by the immensity of the task. We are not alone. We are equipped with
the power of the Holy Spirit, guided by Jesus' teachings, and sustained by his
everlasting presence. May we go forth, not as hesitant disciples, but as
confident ambassadors of Christ, carrying his love to the world, one heart at a
This reflection is just a starting point.
Let our own heart explore the depths of this passage, seeking guidance and
inspiration for our unique journey of faith. May Jesus' message touch our soul
in a special way today and empower us to be a radiant light in the world… Amen.
Equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit, guided by Jesus's everlasting presence, the Word we preach becomes efficient, capable of transforming lives.