
Showing posts from June, 2024

Guérir le Cœur Blessé : l'Enseignement de Jésus sur l'Adultère et le Chemin vers la pureté du Cœur

Dans Matthieu 5 : 27-32, Jésus nous livre l’un de ses enseignements les plus cruciaux concernant le caractère sacré du mariage et la gravité de l’adultère. Pour comprendre cet enseignement dans son contexte historique et biblique, il est essentiel de retracer les racines des relations humaines et la manière dont elles ont été affectées par le péché depuis la chute d'Adam et Ève. Contexte historique et biblique La chute et ses conséquences Dans le récit de la Genèse, Dieu crée Adam et Ève et les place dans le jardin d’Eden, dans l’intention qu’ils vivent en parfaite harmonie avec Lui et entre eux. Leur relation est conçue pour être une relation d’amour mutuel, de respect et de collaboration. Cependant, la chute, décrite dans Genèse 3, introduit le péché dans le monde, modifiant fondamentalement les relations humaines. Après avoir mangé le fruit défendu, Adam et Ève éprouvent de la honte et de la culpabilité, ce qui entraîne la rupture de leur relation. Adam blâme Ève, et la

Healing the Heart: Jesus’ Teaching on Adultery and the Path to Purity (5:27-32).

  In Matthew 5:27-32, Jesus delivers one of His most challenging teachings regarding the sanctity of marriage and the seriousness of adultery. To understand this teaching in its historical and biblical context, it is essential to trace the roots of human relationships and how they have been affected by sin since the fall of Adam and Eve. Historical and Biblical Context The Fall and Its Consequences In the Genesis account, God creates Adam and Eve and places them in the Garden of Eden, intending for them to live in perfect harmony with Him and with each other. Their relationship is designed to be one of mutual love, respect, and collaboration. However, the fall, described in Genesis 3, introduces sin into the world, fundamentally altering human relationships. After eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve experience shame and guilt, leading to a breakdown in their relationship. Adam blames Eve, and the harmonious relationship they once enjoyed is marred by accusations and mi

Fulfilling the Laws and the Prophets: the Path of Liberation and Peace with Jesus.” Matthew 5:20-26

  In this Gospel, we are still with Jesus and his disciples on the mountain. Jesus introduces a new topic in his message: the fulfillment of the Law. “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.” Today, Jesus is teaching us the meaning of this statement and how the law is and has to be accomplished. Let us remember that God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on the mountain. Jesus, as the new Moses, gives his teaching on a mountain. He says: “You have heard that it was said to your ancestors, 'You shall not kill; and whoever kills will be liable to judgment.' But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment…” Hearing this, one could exclaim, “Oh, many of us are liable to judgment.” Who among us has not, at one time, gotten angry with his brother or even with someone not close to us? So, what exactly does Christ Jesus want us to understand in his teaching? I would suggest that Jesus w


  Today’s first reading talks about God’s covenant with the Israelites through his servant Moses. After reading the ordinances of the Lord, the people with one gave their consent saying: “We will do everything that the Lord has told us.”. What did the Lord tell them? The 10 Commandments or Gift of 10 Words. The sign or symbol of this covenant were: an altar with 12 pillars representing the 12 tribes of Israel, and sacrifice of animals. Moses took half of the blood of the animal and splashed on the altar, and on the people saying “ This is the blood of the covenant which the LORD has made with you in accordance with all these words of His . In this feast of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, I invite us to focus on this idea of Covenant, its symbols, the power of words pronounced. God’s covenant with the Israelites lasted for years until the appointed time, when God concluded a New Covenant in his Son Jesus Christ.   Every Christian enters this relation of covenant of L