first reading talks about God’s covenant with the Israelites through his
servant Moses. After reading the ordinances of the Lord, the people with one
gave their consent saying: “We will do everything that the Lord has told
us.”. What did the Lord tell them? The 10 Commandments or Gift of 10 Words.
The sign or symbol of this covenant were: an altar with 12 pillars representing
the 12 tribes of Israel, and sacrifice of animals. Moses took half of the blood
of the animal and splashed on the altar, and on the people saying “This is
the blood of the covenant which the LORD has made with you in accordance with
all these words of His.
this feast of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, I invite us to
focus on this idea of Covenant, its symbols, the power of words pronounced.
God’s covenant with the Israelites lasted for years until the appointed time, when
God concluded a New Covenant in his Son Jesus Christ.
Every Christian enters this relation of covenant
of Love by Baptism. Some of us were baptised as infants. Those married
reinforce this covenant of Love by the promise made during the cerebration of
their union of Love. For those who are religious, this covenant relation is
given a new meaning by vows: we become consecrated persons: set apart for
Christ and His Gospel. We all promise faithfulness to God, renounce satan and
his works.
letter to the Hebrew underlines the uniqueness of the new covenant God
concluded in Christ with us: Jesus offered himself as a victim for expiation of
sins. He is the mediator of a new covenant.
Holy Thursday: we remember that on the
eve of his passion, during the last super, Jesus concluded a New Covenant with
all his followers. From that very moment, everyday, the Church celebrated the
gift of the Body and Blood of CHRIST repeating the words of consecration
saying: “Take this all of you and drink from it, for this is the chalice of
my blood, the blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which will be poured out
for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in memory of me.”
is the greatest prove of God’s love for us: “No greater love than this: to give
one’s life for his friends”, say the Lord. The celebration of this solemnity is
an invitation for us to meditate deeply on the Holy Eucharist. Are we
always aware of the price Jesus paid to save us? Jesus rescued us by
his sufferings, death and resurrection. How do I prepare myself to
encounter Jesus in each Mass, receive His most holy body and blood? Do I find
time to talk with him? Is Jesus really a friend or someone I heard of several
times but who remains a stranger to me?
Think about what I am going to say now: “Each time we receive
the body of Christ, we become moving tabernacles because Jesus dwells in us.” All
of us who receive his body, are invited to welcome her like Mother Mary at the
moment of Incarnation, when the Word took flesh in Her womb.
the Eucharist, Jesus reveals himself as God of Love. He is not only present in
the Holy Eucharist; He is the Holy Eucharist. The Mass we celebrate is Him, the
blood we drink the flesh we eat is him. We remember Jesus said in John 6:53 “Truly I tell you, unless
you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life
in yourselves.”
has been the eternal longing of Christ to give himself to us wholly and
entirely. He gives himself entirely to us in the Eucharist, a gift of all that
he has and is in the simplest and most comprehensive manner. He gives himself
to us in order to save and service us, redeem us from sin and unite us to
himself: “whoever eats my blood and drinks my blood dwell in me and I in
him”, John 6, 56.
gives himself to us in order to unite us to the Father, so that the Holy Spirit
will live in us. He gives himself to us
to unite us with all in heaven, the angels and saints. He gives himself to us
in order to change us, recreate us, change the face of the earth.
For this reason, all those
who participate in the Eucharist devotedly with open hearts and mind are
completely renewed. They are taken in an unapproachable light, wonderful light.
They are all purified and sanctified. Their hearts are set on fire like the
disciples of Emmaus. It is this fire of love that will cleanse the world
of evil, remove every taint of hatred, wickedness and sin. Remember Jesus
said: “I have come to set fire on earth and how I wish it were burning.” Is the
fire of his love burning in our hearts?
Think about this today: I believe that all us, we want to go to heaven. Do we realise that in the Eucharist, it is heaven that comes to us? In heaven we hope to see God. Right? God has made himself visible to us in the simplest manner in the Eucharist.
He is our Heaven. He Heaven in our midst. Do we expect to meet any person more glorious in Heaven than Christ? Do we expect to get a joy more glorious in Heaven than from Christ? The promise of Christ to be with us always until the end of times is fulfilled in a very unique way through the gift of His Body and Blood in the Eucharist.
The worst sin of the
Church, the worst sin of Christians, the worst sin is the neglect of Love of
Jesus for us, especially in the Holy Eucharist. Do you know the worst
sins of Priest?
To celebrate the Holy Eucharist without Love. Any celebration of the Holy EUCHARIST without Love is worse than the crucifixion of Jesus. This is the reason why Priest should never rush mass. And the faithful should never ask them to rush mass because they want to other things.
The worst sin of Christians is lack of belief in Christ’s Love in the Holy Eucharist. The worst danger to Christians today is forgetfulness of what Jesus has done and what he has suffered for us in the Holy Eucharist. The worst danger to the existence of the world is the abolition of the Holy Eucharist.
Any move by any person
or group of persons to remove or reduce the Love people should have for
the Holy Eucharist is not from God. Any move by any person to remove or reduce
the respect, the worship, the honour given to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist is
not from God.
The same enemy of Christ
who was active in Judas Iscariot, blaming Mary for anointing the Body of Christ
with precious oil, is active in the world, doing everything possible so that
Jesus may not be honored and loved in the Eucharist. To unite our sacrifice to the Sacrifice of
Jesus in the Holy Eucharist is the greatest sacrifice we can make. To spend
time with Jesus in the Eucharist, in the tabernacle, is the greatest possible
act, the glorious act human being can perform in the world.
The greatest action of the
Holy Spirit is the Incarnation and transubstantiation of bread and wine into the
Body and Blood. The greatest joy of Mother Mary is to bring people to the Holy
Eucharist - You remember the miracle at Kana. That miracle is a miracle that
points to the Holy Eucharist. What did Mother Mary say: DO WHATEVER HE
The Holy Eucharist depends
on Christ, and on Christ alone. But us benefiting from it depends on our Love,
our Faith, our Hope in Him.
Anybody who receives the
Holy Eucharist with Love, purity and holiness is automatically in the company
of the angels and saints.
So, let us meditate on this great mystery: the source and summit of the life of the Church. Let's try to keep this covenant of Love by observing God's commandments and we will experience God's faithfulness to His promises at all times!
"The Holy Eucharist depends on Christ, and on Christ alone. But us benefiting from it depends on our Love, our Faith, our Hope in Him."