Thursday, August 1, 2024

Radiating God’s Love: Our Role as Salt of the Earth and Light of the World.

In today’s Gospel, (Matthew 5:13-19) we meditate on one of Jesus’s teachings about who we are as Christians and our role in the world. Jesus, having just delivered the Beatitudes message, a series of blessings for the poor in spirit, the meek, and the persecuted, turns His attention to the practical outworking of this blessed life. He uses two potent images familiar to us: salt and light.

Salt preserves food; it adds flavor. Light dispels darkness; it guides and reveals. Jesus declares His followers to be these essential elements in a world often devoid of truth, taste and direction. We are to be the flavor of God's kingdom, the preserving influence in a decaying society. We are to be the illumination in a world shrouded in darkness, pointing the way to hope and truth.

Jesus is calling us to play an active role in the world. He is issuing a challenge to us. To be salt and light is to be actively engaged in the transformation of the world. Yes, Jesus said that “we are in the world but not of the world”; however, He does not mean by that that we should remain passive, waiting for end of the times. Rather,  his teaching invites us to be more  engaged with the culture, not retreating from it. It means being a force for change, not merely a passive observer.

In today's world, saturated with noise and indifference, selfishness, violence and crimes of all sorts, the church is called to be a sanctuary of peace, a sign of hope. We are to be the salt that preserves the bonds of community, the flavor that enriches the lives of others. We are to be the light that dispels the darkness of despair, the guidepost pointing to a higher purpose.

This is not about religious superiority or self-righteousness. It is about embodying the love of Christ in every interaction. It is about living in such a way that our lives are a testament to the transformative power of God's grace. In our workplaces, our neighborhoods, our families, and our friendships, we are called to be agents of reconciliation, bearers of joy, and champions of justice.

How do we live out this calling? It starts with cultivating a deep relationship with Christ. Through prayer, Scripture, and community, we are filled with the Spirit who empowers us for service. It involves developing a keen awareness of the needs around us, listening with empathy, and responding with compassion. It means using our gifts and resources to build up the body of Christ and serve the world.

We must acknowledge that to be salt and light is not always easy. Our enemy knows our weaknesses and often tries to amplify them and make us loose hope and direction. To resist the temptations that prevent us from being salt and light, we need to nurture in our hearts and lives the virtue of sacrifice, courage, and perseverance, bearing in mind that the reward from God is immeasurable. As we faithfully embody the character of Christ, we not only impact the world around us but also experience a profound transformation within ourselves. We become more fully the people God created us to be, and we participate in the redemptive work of God in the world.

Let us embrace the challenge. Let us be salt that seasons, light that shines. Let us live our lives as radiant expressions of God's love and grace. And we can do this even more as we begin this new month. 

God bless you all!!!



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