Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,
Today’s readings invite us into the heart of our Christian faith, revealing the secret to perseverance, a happy life, and eternal joy. It’s a call to live as children of the Covenant, seeking God’s will above all things.
The question before us is this: Are we ready to align our lives with God’s will, just as Christ did, even when it demands sacrifice? Today, let us draw inspiration from Hebrews and the Gospel of Mark to rediscover what it means to live as true children of the Covenant.
The Shadow of the Old Covenant (Hebrews 10:1-10)
The author of the letter to the Hebrews opens our eyes to the limitations of the Old Covenant, with its sacrifices repeated year after year. These sacrifices, though a shadow of what was to come, could not truly cleanse the people from their sin or make them live in perfect alignment with the Will of God. Yet, within this shadow, God’s eternal plan was already unfolding.
Then comes the turning point “Here I am, I have come to do your will.” These words, spoken by Jesus, is a summary of all that He thought and did. From the very beginning, to the experience of the Cross it was: “Father, let your Will be done”. He became the ultimate sacrifice, not because He loved suffering, but because He loved us. His obedience replaced the imperfect sacrifices of the Law with a perfect and eternal offering. Doing God’s Will became His daily bread, the source of His strength, of His mission.
What does this mean for us? It means that we are no longer bound by rituals that merely scratch the surface of our hearts. Instead, we are invited into a new way of life, one rooted in surrender to God’s will, just as Christ modeled.
“Whoever Does the Will of God Is My Family” (Mark 3:31-35)
In the Gospel, we see Jesus redefine what it means to belong to Him. When His family comes looking for Him, He says something radical: “Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.” This isn’t a rejection of His earthly family but a revelation of the deeper bond formed by obedience to God. Mother Mary stands as a beautiful example of what Jesus said here. Her word: “Let it be done to me according to your words”, is wonderful expression of what Jesus said.
Think about this, dear friends: Jesus is inviting us into His family. Imagine the privilege! All Christians form this great family of God, irrespective of their origins, social and cultural background. Yet, this invitation comes with a challenge, God’s will must take precedence over everything, even over our closest relationships and personal desires.
Being part of God’s family means living in radical trust and surrender, knowing that His plans are far greater than ours. It means saying, “Lord, not my will, but Yours be done,” even when life’s road is rough, even when it feels like the cross is too heavy to bear.
Living as Children of the Covenant
To live as children of the Covenant is to live in the freedom of those who know they are loved by God. It is a life of perseverance and joy because we no longer strive to earn God’s love, it has already been poured out for us through Christ. But this love calls us to respond.
What does that response look like in practice? It’s about surrendering our lives daily to God. Each day, we should renew our “yes” to God, trusting that His will leads to life. It’s also a call to face life challenges with faith and perseverance When challenges come, remember Christ’s example. He endured the cross because He trusted the Father’s plan.
Finally, it’s about seeking God’s will above all: This means asking not, “What do I want?” but “What does God want for me?” It means allowing His Word to shape our decisions, relationships, and priorities.
The Secret to a Happy Life
Beloved, the world offers many shortcuts to happiness, but they are pure illusions. Unfortunately, many are pursuing this illusion, to the extent of losing sight of the real purpose of their existence on earth. True joy comes from knowing we are part of God’s family, living as children of the Covenant. The secret to a happy life isn’t found in comfort or success but in the peace that comes from walking in God’s will.
St Thomas of Aquinas, whose feast we celebrate today is a good example of a life that followed Jesus’ call in today’s Gospel. So, let’s look to the saints, to the martyrs, and to those who have gone before us in faith. They found strength, not in their own abilities, but in their deep trust in God. They lived as brothers and sisters of Christ, and their lives bore witness to the joy of belonging to God’s family.
Our Call to Action
Today, Jesus is looking at each one of us and saying, “Here are my brother, my sister, my mother.” Will we step into this identity? Will we let His will become the foundation of our lives?
Let us pray for the grace to say, like Jesus, “Here I am, Lord; I come to do Your will.” Let us choose to live as children of the Covenant, trusting that God’s plans for us are good, His love for us is unchanging, and His will for us leads to eternal life.
May we persevere in faith, rooted in Christ, and find the happiness that comes from living as His family. Amen.
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