Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Heart of a True Worship with St Mark and Our Lady of Lourdes. Mark 7:1-13

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

Today, we join the universal Church in celebrating Our Lady of Lourdes, a sign from Heaven, manifesting God’s healing and mercy. In 1858, in the small town of Lourdes, France, the Blessed Virgin appeared to a simple girl of 14, St. Bernadette Soubirous, and invited the world to return to prayer, penance, and trust in God’s mercy. The miraculous waters of Lourdes continue to remind us that true healing is not just physical, but above all, spiritual, a healing of the heart that draws us closer to Christ.

As we meditate on Mark 7:1-13, we see how Jesus challenges the religious leaders who have turned human traditions into barriers rather than bridges to God. The Pharisees were concerned with external rituals, like washing hands before eating, but Jesus reminded them that what truly matters is the purity of the heart. The truth of the matter is that they had replaced God’s commandments with human traditions. Jesus rebuked them, by quoting Prophet Isaiah saying:

“This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” (Mark 7:6)

Their worship had become a matter of external observance rather than internal transformation. Their lips spoke of God, but their hearts were distant. Their religious devotion had become mechanical, an outward show, instead of a heartfelt relationship with the Living God.

The Revelation: God Desires Our Hearts

Jesus did not reject traditions themselves, but He denounced the distortion of religion, when traditions take the place of an authentic relationship with God. He made it clear: God is not impressed by rituals performed without love, obedience, and sincerity.

This passage, brothers and sisters, speaks directly to us today. Just as the Pharisees became trapped in the externals of religion without true faith, we too can fall into the danger of routine without devotion, prayer without trust, and worship without love.

But Our Lady of Lourdes offers us a different path. When she appeared to St. Bernadette, she did not speak of elaborate rituals or man-made traditions. Instead, she gave a simple message: Repent. Pray. Seek the mercy of God. The fact that the apparition happened during Lent season speaks volume of how Mother Mary’s message is an actualization of the Gospel of her Son.

At Lourdes, she invites us to a renewed purity of heart, a return to authentic faith, and a trust in God’s healing love. The miraculous waters of Lourdes are not magic, they are a sign of the cleansing that Christ wants to do in our souls.

The Healing We Need: Returning to the Heart of Worship

Brothers and sisters, today Jesus asks us:

  • Are we honoring God with our lips while keeping our hearts far from Him?
  • Are we clinging to religious habits while forgetting the heart of the Gospel, love, mercy, and faith?
  • Do we seek healing only in body, or do we also desire a renewal of heart and soul?

In many ways, our Christian journey can resemble that of the Pharisees. We may go to church, say our prayers, and follow religious customs, yet our hearts can remain distant from God. Jesus is calling us to true worship, not just with our lips, but with our hearts and lives.

True worship is more than rituals, songs, or church attendance. It is about loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37). It is about caring for the poor, forgiving others, seeking justice, and living humbly before God.

Like St. Bernadette, let us approach God with childlike trust. Let us ask the Blessed Mother to lead us to her Son, who alone can make us truly pure, not just in appearance, but in the depths of our hearts.

On this feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, may we hear her call:
“Return to God, seek Him with a sincere heart, and allow His love to heal and transform you.”

A Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes

"O Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes, teach us to seek purity of heart over external show. Lead us to your Son, who alone can heal our wounds and make us whole. May we, like St. Bernadette, live in simplicity, humility, and deep trust in God’s mercy. Amen."

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!🙏🙏🙏


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