Dear Sisters and Brothers, Peace of Christ be with you!!!
Yesterday, we
encountered Jesus in a confrontation with the Pharisees and scribes who
questioned Him about His disciples’ failure to observe the tradition of ritual
washing before eating. Their concern was external purity followed by human
custom. But Jesus, with divine authority, rebuked them for their hypocrisy,
quoting Isaiah:
“These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines human precepts.”
(Mark 7:6-7)
The Pharisees had made
religious traditions more important than God’s commandments. They focused on
outward actions while neglecting the inner disposition of the heart. It was in
this context that Jesus turned to the crowd and delivered a fundamental teaching
that shifts the focus from mere external observance to the deeper reality of
the human heart.
A Message for All: What
Truly Defiles
Addressing the crowd,
Jesus declares:
“Listen to me, all of you, and understand: nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come out from within are what defile.”
This statement must have
shocked His listeners. For centuries, Jewish customs had emphasized purity laws,
what to eat, how to wash, and how to remain ritually clean. But Jesus, with his
divine wisdom, shifts the focus from external purity to interior holiness. The
real problem, He explains, is not what enters from outside but what comes out
from within.
The human heart, left
unchecked, harbors all sorts of impurities. Jesus lists them plainly:
“From within people, from their hearts, come evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly. All these evils come from within and they defile.”
This is not just a
lesson for the Pharisees or for the crowd of that time. It is a message for
every believer today. True holiness is not about appearances. It is not about
what others see in us but what God sees in us.
A Call to Interior
This teaching forces us
to reflect: What is the state of my heart? Am I more concerned with how I look
on the outside than with the spiritual condition of my soul? Do I focus on
religious practices while neglecting love, mercy, and righteousness?
Too often, we can fall
into the trap of being externally religious while our hearts remain far from
God. We can observe the rules, say the right words, attend church services, and
yet harbor resentment, jealousy, pride, or unforgiveness. The real battlefield
is within.
Holiness is not about
managing appearances; it is about transformation from the inside out. Jesus is
not interested in mere religious performance. He wants hearts that are truly
converted, purified, and set apart for Him.
The Path to a Renewed Heart
If the problem is
within, then the solution must also begin from within. The good news is that
Jesus not only exposes the problem, He provides the remedy. He calls us to
surrender our hearts to Him, allowing His grace to cleanse and renew us. God’s
commandment in Deuteronomy 6: 4-5 remains unchanged: “Hear, O Israel: The
LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and
with all your soul and with all your strength.” When our is cleansed from
all impurity it becomes the temple of God, His dwelling place, where presence
reigns and His Loves transforms us from within.
I would like to suggest
here few possible steps to help us curb our hearts of all impurities and
experience God’s constant presence:
Daily Examination of Conscience, Like
King David, we must pray: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a
right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10).
Repentance and Confession. When we recognize sin
in our hearts, we must not justify it or hide it. Confession is the key to
inner freedom. An exorcist once said that confession of sins before a priest is
more important and powerful means of liberation compared to exorcism.
Filling the Heart with God’s Word. What
we consume spiritually shapes us. Meditating on Scripture replaces sinful
thoughts with holy desires.
Guarding the Heart, Proverbs 4:23 warns
us: “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
We must be careful of what influences us, our thoughts, our words, and our
Surrendering to Christ Daily. True purity is not self-achieved but
Christ-given. The more we walk with Him, the more our hearts are
transformed and attuned to His Will.
Worship That Pleases God
At the core of this passage is the reminder that God
desires worship that comes from a pure heart. We cannot substitute religious
rituals for a true relationship with Him. Jesus’ challenge to the Pharisees is
His challenge to us today:
Today, let us invite Christ into the deepest places of our
hearts. May He cleanse, heal, and transform us so that our worship may be
pleasing to Him, and may we worship Him in
spirit and in truth for God is really looking for those who will worship Him in
this manner (John 4:23).
Let us PRAY
Lord Jesus, I surrender my heart to You. Cleanse me from
all that defiles, and make me a vessel of true worship. Let my love for You be
pure, and let my life reflect Your holiness. Amen."🙏🙏🙏
“Blessed are the Pure in Heart, for they shall see God”
(Matthew 5:8)
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