Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Paradox of the Cross: Loosing to Gain, Dying to Live (Deuteronomy 30: 15-20. Luke 9: 22-25. )

Dear Sisters and Brothers, May the Peace and Love of Christ fill your hearts! 

As we journey through the second day of Lent, the Lord lays before us a fundamental choice: to embrace life or to face death. While this may sound paradoxical, every moment of our day is defined by the choices we make. From the time we rise in the morning to when we lay our heads down at night, our decisions, rooted in our values and convictions, shape not only our own lives but also the fabric of our society.

In the words of Moses found in Deuteronomy and the teachings of Christ in the Gospel of Luke, we are called to reflect deeply on the choice between life and death, blessings and curses, self-preservation and self-sacrifice. Lent transcends mere external practices; it invites us into a significant time of personal reflection and introspection. It is our opportunity to realign our hearts with the God who offers us the gift of true and everlasting life. Let us choose wisely.

The words of Deuteronomy speak to us today: "See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil." The Lord does not impose His will; instead, He invites us to choose. He does not coerce but gently calls us. To choose life means to walk in His ways, to listen to His voice, and to dwell in His love. However, the alternative is also real, turning away from Him results in self-ruin. This doesn't stem from God's desire to punish us, but rather from the truth that rejecting Him is to turn away from the very source of life.

How often do we, whether aware or unaware, make choices that draw us away from Him? Lent offers us a precious opportunity to return, to listen with fresh ears, and to recognize that in every decision, big or small, we are deciding between a path that leads us closer to God and one that pulls us away from Him. Let us choose wisely and embrace the life He offers.

Choosing life is not merely about adhering to commandments; it is about fully surrendering to the One who is Life itself. This principle lies at the very heart of Christ’s teaching in the Gospel (Luke 9:22-25). Jesus teaches us that true life is not found in clinging to our own desires but in embracing the profound mystery of the cross. "Whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it."

In this statement, we find the paradox of the Christian journey: the way to life passes through self-denial, and true freedom is achieved through surrender. It is through letting go of our own agendas and embracing His will that we come to experience the fullness of life He offers. Let us open our hearts to this transformative truth and follow the path He lays before us.

Lent challenges us with a vital truth. It is a time to break free from the illusion that we can secure our lives by clinging to comfort, power, or earthly security. Christ walked the path of self-emptying love, not because suffering is inherently good, but because only a love that gives itself completely can bring forth new life. He does not ask us to bear the cross alone; He walks alongside us, empowering us in our fasting, our prayer, and our acts of mercy.

To choose life, then, is to choose the cross, not as a crushing burden, but as the path to resurrection. Lent invites us to make this crucial choice: will we cling to what is temporary, or will we trust the One who calls us to something eternal? The world tempts us with promises of fulfillment through comfort and self-preservation, but it is Christ alone who offers a life that transcends all endings. Let us have the courage to embrace this call.


Today, we find ourselves in the same position as the people of Israel and the disciples of Jesus, listening intently to the voice of the Lord. He continues to speak to us: “I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life.” However, choosing life necessitates choosing Him, and choosing Him means embracing the cross.

May this Lenten journey take us beyond mere sacrifices and lead us into the joy of surrender, the richness of true discipleship, and the fullness of life that can only be found in Christ. Let us open our hearts to this transformative invitation and walk together on the path He has laid out for us.


Let us pray:

Heavenly Father,

As we embark on this Lenten journey, guide us to choose life in every moment. Help us to embrace the cross with open hearts, recognizing that true life and joy come from surrendering to You. Strengthen us in our struggles and grant us the grace to walk the path of true discipleship. May we find fulfillment not in worldly comforts, but in the fullness of life found in Your love. 

We make our prayers through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.🙏🙏🙏

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