Tuesday, October 10, 2023


Let us envision the scene: Martha, the ever-diligent hostess, bustling about, her mind awash with to-dos, and Mary, serene and attentive, seated at Jesus’ feet. We might sympathize with Martha, understanding the pressures of hospitality and the weight of expectation. Moreover, in a family of two receiving a visitor, we can imagine what the situation would look like if both hosts are to be busy, running up and down, leaving the visitor alone. We sometimes fell the weight of our daily duties, torn between what we feel we should be doing and what our hearts yearn to do.

Jesus’ words to Martha are not a reprimand but a gentle redirection. “Martha, Martha,” He says with loving emphasis, “you are worried and upset about many things.” In these words, Jesus acknowledges the reality of our daily struggles. Life is full of tasks, decisions, and distractions that pull us in myriad directions. And while these duties are not inherently wrong, they can easily become all-consuming. Offering hospitality, as exemplified by Abraham and Sarah to their visitors (Genesis 18:1-15) is commendable.  

Yet, the climax of the story in today’s Gospel is found in Jesus’ next words: “but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Here lies the heart of our meditation: in the midst of life’s ceaseless demands, what is the one thing we need? What is the better part?

Mary’s choice was to sit at Jesus’ feet, to listen, to be present. In the act of choosing Jesus, Mary demonstrated where her priority lay. The one necessary thing wasn’t the perfectly set table or the impeccable meal but the words and presence of Jesus. The finest hospitality we can offer to Jesus is staying with him, (maybe before the Blessed Sacrament), immersing ourselves in the Word of God and allowing it be part of us, to transform us, conversing with God in prayer, etc.

So, as we wade through the myriad choices each day presents, let’s remember the words of Jesus. Let’s make room for moments of stillness, for sitting at His feet, for choosing the better part. For in those moments, we are reminded of what truly matters, and we find the strength and clarity to make choices aligned with God’s heart.

In the end, the choices we make daily reflect our priorities. As Christians, may our choices echo Mary’s, always seeking the better part, the very heart of Jesus.


Heavenly Father,

In the midst of our busy lives, where decisions abound and distractions are plenty, center our hearts on You. As Martha busied herself, and Mary chose to sit at Your feet, guide us in our choices, that we might prioritize Your voice above all else.

Lord, in our daily tasks and decisions, help us to remember the one thing that truly matters: Your presence and Your Word. Let us not be consumed by worries or duties, but grant us the wisdom to choose the better part, to seek You in all things, and to find rest in Your embrace.

Strengthen our resolve to draw near to You daily, ensuring that in every choice, we reflect our desire to know and love You more deeply.

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