At the end of today’s
episode of the Gospel Jesus says: “he (she) who has ears to hear let him
hear”. As we meditate on today’s Gospel message, may we open the ears of our
heart to hear what the Lord Jesus is telling us in our various milieu of life.
In the Gospel of the day,
Jesus is outlining the conditions for true discipleship, and these
conditions are indeed demanding. The language used here is somehow stark, and
some may even find it shocking, as Jesus speaks of “hating” family in
comparison to the love and dedication required for following Him. Some
translations prefer using the expression “Preferring Christ to every other
relationship”. To meditate on today’s passage is to grapple with its
hyperbolic nature, a rhetorical tool meant to jolt the listener into a
recognition of the seriousness of the commitment being asked.
Jesus is calling for a
radical reorientation of one’s priorities and attachments.
He is not advocating for literal hate, as that would contradict the message of
love permeated throughout His teachings, especially since last week, when he
explained to the doctor of law that the greatest of all the commandments is
love of God, love of neighbor and one’s self, (Cfr Matthew 22, 36-40). Rather, Jesus is using hyperbole to emphasize
that the commitment to discipleship must come before all else, even the most
cherished relationships.
To follow Jesus means
that who we were, are, and want to be must be transformed.
It requires a willingness to let go of our previous identities and plans, to be
remade in the likeness of Christ. This is the reason why when Jesus chose the
12 Apostles, he gave each of them a new name, this signifying their new
identity. The discipleship Jesus speaks
of is a path that leads away from self-centeredness and towards
God-centeredness, demanding an ongoing process of self-denial, a daily taking
up of the cross, a symbol of suffering and sacrifice.
This journey of
transformation will inevitably affect one’s relationships with family and
relatives. It may create tension, as the values of the Kingdom
of God often stand in stark contrast to the values of the world. In this sense,
discipleship can be sometimes isolating, yet it also redefines our belong to a Christian
community, creating a new family bonded not by blood but by the spirit of God’s
In a world where God is
often sidelined, to live Jesus’s invitation means to constantly swim against
the current of mainstream culture. It means prioritizing what is often unseen
(faith, hope, love, forgiveness, spiritual growth) over what is seen and
celebrated by society (wealth, success, fame). The call is to be the “salt of
the earth,” to maintain our distinctiveness as followers of Christ in a way
that both preserves and flavors the world around us.
How can we live this
invitation today?
I make the following
- By engaging with the world from a
place of deep-rootedness in Christ, bringing the values of the Gospel into
every interaction and relation.
- By being willing to make difficult
choices in favor of our faith, even when it comes at a personal cost.
- By continuously reflecting on our
life choices and priorities, ensuring they align with the call to
- By building and nurturing
relationships that are based on the self-sacrificial love modeled by
- By maintaining a communal life with
other believers, which provides support and encouragement in a society
that may not understand or value the demands of discipleship.
- By serving the least, the last, and
the lost, living out the social implications of the Gospel in acts of
justice, mercy, and humility.
May we allow Christ’s
message to sink into the soil of our hearts, where they can unsettle our
complacency and inspire us to live in a way that may not be easy, but is
infinitely rich with purpose and grounded in eternal love. In this love, we can
find the strength and conviction to embrace the demanding path of discipleship
Gracious and Loving God,
We come before You with
hearts open and spirits willing, yet aware of the gravity of Your call. In the
shadow of Your teachings, we seek the strength to embrace the cross of
discipleship, to put aside all that hinders our complete dedication to Your
Grant us, O Lord, the
courage to re-examine our relationships, our desires, and our very selves, that
we might find our true identity in You. May the bonds of family and friendship
be strengthened, not weakened, by our commitment to walk in the footsteps of
Your Son.
In a world that often
forgets Your presence, help us to remember. In every moment of decision, guide
our choices. When the allure of the world grows strong, anchor our hearts to
the rock of Your love and truth.
As we strive to be the
salt that retains its flavor, infuse our lives with Your grace that we might
preserve and enhance the world around us with the love of Christ. May our lives
bear witness to the hope that is within us, the peace that defies understanding,
and the joy that comes from surrendering to Your divine will.
For the strength to carry
our cross, for the vision to see Your Kingdom, for the joy amidst sacrifice, we
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