I meditated on today's first reading, I was reminded of King Solomon's prayers.
When faced with the task of leading the Israelites, Solomon prayed to God for
an understanding mind to govern His people, able to discern between good and
evil. I believe that Divine wisdom is one of the most precious gifts we
can receive from God. But how can we understand divine wisdom not just as a
concept but as a reality we can live by?
to the verses in today's first reading, Divine Wisdom invites us to seek
God with sincerity of heart. Divine wisdom is presented as a companion
that walks with us on earth, searching for hearts that listen. For us
Christians today, this companionship is an invitation to practice mindfulness
in our daily routine, to perceive the sacred in the mundane. The sincere search
for God becomes an antidote to perverse thoughts that seek to sever our daily
connection with God. Purity of heart becomes the clear pane through which the
light of wisdom shines. We can recall here the words of the beatitude: “Blessed
are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). And I would
add: “For they shall see God even in a world broken by wickedness, hatred, and
first reading also invites us to develop a discerning heart.
When faced with myriad choices, it can be challenging to make the right
decision. The discerning heart is pure and humble; it becomes the vessel
through which divine wisdom flows, enlightening dark corners of ignorance and
soothing the frictions of daily strife.
this wisdom has to be a deliberate choice, a conscious turning away from
deceptive allurements and perverse thoughts. It is in this turning, this
repentant movement toward God's truth, that wisdom finds a home in us. It transforms us inside and outside, mind, body, soul and spirit. It calls
for a life where love and justice are not abstract ideals but tangible actions.
wisdom is thus a transformative force.
It is the soft but potent power that molds our character, and carves out a life
of integrity and purpose. A life that embraces divine wisdom is a life lived in
harmony with God's design that the enemy had tried to destroy from the
today's Gospel reading, Jesus presents a poignant message on the essence of
Christian living. He emphasizes the love of righteousness through a
stark warning against being a source of scandal, causing the downfall of
others, especially the little ones, and innocent souls. It is a reminder that
our deeds ripple through the pond of humanity, impacting lives beyond our
immediate sight. To love righteousness is to be acutely aware that we hold the
power to either uplift or undermine the spiritual journey of our neighbor. We
are called to be custodians of our brothers’ and sisters’ spiritual well-being;
it is a duty to uphold and not undermine their journey of faith.
equally articulates the crucial command of fraternal correction.
This could be sometimes difficult to do. However, it is important to see
fraternal correction as an act of courage and compassion to address wrongdoing,
a sacred duty that reflects God’s corrective love for us. However, this
correction is not a pedestal from which to judge others but a bridge built on
humility and concern for the other’s redemption. It is for this reason that we
need to learn often to remove the plank in our eyes to be able to efficiently
remove the sawdust in our brother’s or sister’s eyes (Matthew 7:3).
the heart of Jesus' message is a call to repentance, a turning back to God that
is always met with open arms. The readiness to repent is the hallmark of a
spirit attuned to the rhythms of Divine Grace. It is the understanding
that we are works in progress, continually called back to the heart of divine
love. God is never tired of forgiving us; it is rather we who are sometimes
tired of asking for forgiveness.
to better understand and experience God’s forgiveness, we also need to practice
it towards others. To forgive is to mirror the inexhaustible mercy of God.
Jesus challenges us with a forgiveness that is not measured but lavish and
faith-filled. It is in the seemingly impossible act of forgiveness that the
disciple discovers the power of faith, small as a mustard seed, yet capable of
uprooting the deepest bitterness and bringing healing to souls deeply wounded.
God help us to seek this Wisdom with a sincere and humble heart!🙏🙏🙏
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