When we went
to catechism, we were often asked a fundamental question: “Why did God create
you? And we were taught to answer by saying: “God created me, to know Him, Love, worship Him
here and Earth, and be with Him in eternal life in heaven”. This response encapsulates the whole question
of the meaning of life of and the reason why we are here on Earth. Therefore,
it is important to know Him, for without this knowledge, we cannot really Love
John writes,
“We know that we have come to know Him (God) if we keep his commandments.”
This simple yet powerful statement reminds us that true knowledge of Jesus is
not merely intellectual understanding; it is a lived experience, a
transformation of our lives. When we truly know Jesus, we follow find meaning
in his teachings, which are summarized in the two great commandments: to love
God with all our hearts, souls, and minds, and to love our neighbors as
ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39). In the testament He left for His disciples Jesus said:
“If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we
will come to him and make our home in him.” (John 14:23). If we want to deepen
our understanding of these words of Jesus, let us look at Mother Mary’s life.
She lived exactly what Jesus said here. The Word of God took flesh and dwelt in
her. She became the first living tabernacle of God.
The apostle John
continues, “By this we show that we are his disciples, if we keep his
commandments.” Our obedience to Jesus' teachings is not a burden but a
privilege, a way of expressing our love and devotion to him. It is through our
faithfulness that our faith becomes evident to others.
John cautions us against “loving the
world and its desires.” The world, with its allure of wealth, power, and
pleasure, can easily distract us from our true purpose. We must be vigilant,
guarding our hearts and minds against the temptations that can pull us away
from God.
In contrast,
John reminds us, “Our love for one another must be real.” True love is
not merely a feeling; it is a commitment to action, a willingness to know when to put the
needs of others before our own. The love Jesus is asking us to practice is as important
as the air we breath. Many are suffering today in this world because of lack of
genuine love. It is this love that reflects the love of God, the love that
Jesus embodied and taught us to emulate. If our way of loving others
contradicts God’s commandments, then it is not the love that God expects from
us. Therefore, we have to continuously learn to love, but in truth revealed in
the Bible.
In the midst
of a world that is often hostile to the Christian faith, that is trying to
water down the Gospel teachings and values, we can find enlightenment, strength
and encouragement in these words of John. By keeping Jesus' commandments,
loving one another as he loved us, and overcoming the temptations of the world,
we can demonstrate the authenticity of our faith and shine as lights in a
darkened world.
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, let us
remember that He came into the world to show us the way of love, truth, and
righteousness. Let us resolve to follow His teachings, to love our neighbors,
and to live lives that reflect the light of his love.
May the spirit of the Nativity guide us on
this journey, and may we be transformed by the love of Jesus Christ.... God bless you
There is no genuine love without sacrifice