Brothers and sisters, nestled in the heart of John 15:9-17 lies a message as precious as a pearl unearthed from the depths. It marks an evolution in the relationship between Jesus and his disciples. They moved from being His servants to becoming His friends. "Behold, I call you Friends", says Jesus. This Gospel challenges and questions us: where do I stand today in my relationship with Jesus? Is He really my closest and best friend?
Talking to his disciples Jesus says: “As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love”. What a privilege, what a great joy to know that the Love Jesus has for us is comparable with the Love God the Father has for him. We remember that at the baptism of Jesus, the voice of the Father came from heaven saying: “This is my beloved Son with whom I am pleased; listen to Him”.
Can you feel the warmth of Jesus invitation, not just to dip your toes in His love, but to dive headfirst and remain there, forever rooted in a love that surpasses understanding? How can we remain in his Love? By keeping his commandment. And what is his commandment? Love one another as I have loved you”, he tells us! Jesus no longer calls us servants but friends! Think about this: seeing Jesus as a friend!
I remember a time when doubt and fear were thorns tangled around my heart. Then, like a gentle breeze rustling through leaves, His love whispered, “Abide in me.” “Do not be afraid, I love you, I am with you”! And as I surrendered, the thorns loosened, replaced by a blossoming joy and peace that overflowed into every corner of my being.
Jesus said that there is no greater love than this: “To laydown one’s life for one’s friends!” This love, friends, is not a flickering candle, but a raging fire. It calls us to live lives ablaze with compassion, and love, to reach out not with empty hands, but with hearts overflowing with the very love that Jesus laid down for us. The close we come to Jesus the better we understand his love for us. When the love we have for others flows from the love Jesus has for us, just like river flowing from its source, it will always be life-giving, it will never dry.
So, let us step out of the shadows and enter into the sunlight of His love. In the light of this Love we find perfect protection against the powers of darkness. Therefore, Let us bear fruit that will nourish a world starved for compassion, let us whisper His love into the ears of the lonely, the broken-hearted, and let us, with open arms, embrace the glorious calling to be agents of His transformative grace.
May God bless you as you abide by His
To dwell in His love is to learn to connect with Jesus always