Friday, January 26, 2024


Brothers and sisters, let us open our hearts today to the embers of faith glowing within us, embers kindled by generations of Martyrs and nurtured by the steady hand of God. Paul, writing to Timothy, his beloved son in the faith, reminds us of this lineage of light, a line that stretches from Lois, Timothy's grandmother, to Eunice, his mother, and down to him, and ultimately, to each of us.

Think for a moment, dear friends, of those who first sparked your own faith, who held your hand, sang to you, spoke of God's love in whispers against your cheek.  Their touch, their voice, their tears, their sacrifices, their sufferings are the flames that lit our way, flames that may flicker in the wind, but never truly die.

Paul writes, “I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” Can you hear the echo of those words through the ages? Can you feel the hands of Lois on your shoulder, the love of Eunice in your heart? Their legacy, their faith, can burn within us, and urge us to fan it into a blaze. It is the fire of the Love of Jesus, flowing from his Sacred Heart and burning in the heart of whoever really loves him.

But faith, like any fire, needs fuel. It yearns for the stories of scripture, the warmth of prayer, the company of fellow believers. Together Christians are stronger. Do you remember the laying on of hands, the symbol of the Holy Spirit bestowed upon you? It is not a mere memory, but a call to action, to use this gift, to share this light, to let it ignite the world around you.

For God, Paul tells us, has not given us “the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a self-control.” Fear may whisper doubts in our heart and sometimes may push us to give up, thinking that it is not possible to bear witness to Jesus today. But, remember the power that is yours, the power of faith, the power of love, the power of divine insight and knowledge. When we surrender to the Holy Spirit, worshiping God in “Spirit and Truth” becomes a possible mission within our reach. Let these be the bellows that fan your flame, pushing back the darkness, revealing the of the Truth.

So, let us not be ashamed, brothers and sisters, of the testimony about our Lord Jesus Christ. Do not let the world’s indifference or mockery dim your spark. Stand tall, raise your voice, let your light shine.

This, dear friends, is the true legacy of Lois, Eunice, and countless others who have gone before us. They didn’t leave us perfect worlds, but they left us something far more precious, the embers of faith, the spark of love, the burning belief that even in the darkest night, even amidst the fiercest storm, God’s light cannot be extinguished.

Today, let us honor their legacy. Let us fan the flames within us. Let us be the fire that warms the world, the beacon that guides the lost, the light that shows the way home. For in the burning heart of every believer lies the power to change the world, one small flame at a time.

Let us go forth, dear friends, and go confidently. Go boldly. Go with the fire of faith in your eyes and the love of God in your heart. Let your light shine, and may it set the world ablaze.

May God bless you and fill your life with His peace and Joy!!!



Let us pray :

Father, like a child holding onto Paul's weathered letter, we come before You. We see the fire You've lit in our lineage, sparks of faith passed through generations, burning bright in lives of parents.

But sometimes, Lord, those embers flicker, threatened by the winds of doubt or the weight of the world. Help us fan them back to life, Lord. Show us how to use the gifts You've placed in our hands, not for our own glory, but like polished tools to build Your kingdom. Give us the backbone to stand tall with open hearts fueled by Your power, Your love, Your unwavering peace.

Let our lives be torches in the darkness, Father, radiating the warmth of Your grace. May those around us feel the flame glow, drawn to the fire of Your salvation. We may stumble, we may falter, but in Jesus' name, we'll keep walking, keep shining, until every last one of us finds His embrace.

We make our prayers through Christ our Lord, Amen.🙏🙏🙏


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