An extract from today’s first reading (1
John 2:29 – 3:6) says, “No one who remains in Him commits sin; no one who sins
has seen Him (God) or knows Him.” This affirmation might leave us perplexed
because we all know that sin is a reality that we experience every day; we are
all sinners. The Letter to the Romans 3:23 clearly affirms: “for all have
sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” The key question here is, “What
does it mean to remain in Him (God)?”
“Remaining in” evokes the idea of inhabitation, a place
of living, a home. Remaining in can be understood from the perspective of our
personal relationship with Jesus, who is the visible face of the invisible God.
It is a metaphorical way of describing a deep, intimate, and continuous
relationship with God through His Son, the Unique Mediator between God and
humanity (1 Timothy 2:5). A personal relationship with God through His Son
Jesus implies living in a way that is consistent with God’s Will and teachings,
as revealed in the whole Sacred Scripture. It's all about embracing divine
Moreover, Jesus did say, "Anyone who
loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to
them and make our home with them” (John 14:23). Dwelling in God and God
dwelling in us are two dimensions of a single truth: living as Children of the
same God who is the Father of all. This is a consistent fundamental truth about
our identity as followers of Jesus. For He said, “If a man remains in me and I
in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).
When Saint John says, “he who dwells in
Him does not sin,” he makes us realize that our love for God is not yet
perfect. We are all grappling with the reality of sin every day. This awareness
can easily make us perplexed. We might then ask, “Will we ever get rid of every
form of sin in our lives, in this world?” The same Word of God that exposes us
also tells us that we are children of God. Let's take time and ponder on this
truth today. That we have a God who is the Father of all... It means that our
whole existence on earth consists of growing in the discovery of our identity
as Children of God.
John the Baptist, in the Gospel, helps us
regain hope in God even as we struggle to overcome sin. He came not only to
baptize but also to reveal the “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the
world.” Presenting Jesus as the Lamb of God evokes the idea of sacrifice.
John tells us that in Christ Jesus, we find forgiveness of sins; we are
purified of all our sins by the precious blood of the Lamb of God. He not only
purifies us from all sins but also sets us free from every form of slavery
contracted by sin. Finally, Jesus helps us rediscover our identity as Children
of God. John baptized with water, but Jesus baptizes us with the Holy Spirit. So,
when we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, we not only reflect our identity as “adopted
sons and daughters of God”, but we also receive the strength and wisdom to
overcome sin and be able to call God “Abba – Papa”. Is it not quite consoling
and exciting to know that we have a God so close to us!
In this new year, let us therefore learn
how to maintain a regular and personal relationship with God through prayer,
reading the Holy Scripture, and living a life of charity. When God dwells
in us and we dwell in Him, we experience already here on earth what is eternal;
we experience already here on earth heaven. May God help us be continuously
transformed by His Divine Word…Amen.
Let us pray:
Heavenly Father, in Your infinite wisdom
and love, You have called us to dwell in You, as Your cherished children. We
stand humbly before You, acknowledging our imperfections and the reality of sin
that challenges us daily. Yet, in Your grace, we find the strength to strive
for a life that reflects Your glory and love.
Lord Jesus, You are the visible face of our
invisible God. Guide us to a deeper, more intimate relationship with the
Father. Help us to embrace Your teachings and live by Your example. May our
lives be a continuous journey of growing closer to You, understanding Your
will, and embodying Your love in all our actions.
Holy Spirit, empower us to overcome the
perplexities of our human nature and the temptations that lead us astray.
Remind us that in our struggles, we are not alone, for You are always with us,
purifying and renewing our hearts. Grant us the courage to confront our
weaknesses and transform them into strengths for Your glory.
Almighty God, as we journey through this
life this year, let us always remember our true identity as Your children. May
this knowledge inspire us to live in a way that brings Your heavenly kingdom to
our earthly existence. We ask for Your guidance and wisdom to live a life of
prayer, be nourished daily by your Word and live a life of charity. Amen.🙏🙏🙏
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