Wednesday, February 7, 2024


Have you ever felt the weight of religious rituals and rules, wondering if they truly brought you closer to God? In Jesus’ time, this was a constant struggle. People meticulously followed purity laws. The book of Leviticus abounds with prescriptions on purity and impurity. For example, Leviticus 11 gives details of animal that are considered ritually pure and that which are not.

In Mark 7:14-23, Jesus challenges this conventional ideas of purity. He declares: “there is nothing outside a person that by going into him can defile him, but the things that come out of a person are what defile him… From within the heart, come evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly”.

Jesus’ words echo across the centuries, inviting us to embark on a personal reflection. What “defiles” our heart in our daily life? Is it anger boiling beneath the surface, envy troubling our joy, or judgmental thoughts towards others? Perhaps its fear masquerading itself as caution, or pride disguised as self-assurance. We see that Jesus doesn’t offer a list of forbidden foods or rituals, but rather, shines a light on the internal battles that truly threaten our spiritual well-being, that eat up our soul, preventing it from being the temple of God, worshiping God in spirit and truth.

Jesus’ teachings resonate deeply with us today. He urges to look beyond outward appearances, and look deeper, within the inner landscape of our hearts, where our thoughts, intentions, and actions truly originate. By examining our inner selves with honesty and compassion, we can cultivate the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control and allow them to guide our words and deeds.

Receiving this invitation requires honesty and introspection. To achieve this introspection, we need to carve out quiet moments for meditation, simply sitting in silence, allowing our inner world to unfold, and be illuminated by the Word of God. It’s an invitation not to allow evil thoughts to be rooted in our hearts for they might be transformed into sinful actions. It requires both divine grace and courage to acknowledge both light and shadow in us. Remember, Jesus says that He didn’t come to judge and condemn us, but to liberate and save us, offering us healing and transformation.

Living Jesus' message necessitates conscious choices. Once we identify our “defiling” thoughts or emotions, we should present them before God in prayer and ask for help. It is important to learn how to challenge negative self-talk with affirmations of God's love and grace. Practicing forgiveness, both towards oneself and others is also crucial. Cultivate compassion and understanding, replacing judgment with empathy. Remember, outward actions are a reflection of our inner state.

The context of our lives shapes how we apply Jesus' words. Whether we are a busy parent, a student struggling to meet deadline, with financial challenges, the invitation remains the same: tend to the garden of your heart.

For parents, this might mean prioritizing quality time with their children, fostering open communication, and modeling kindness and thinking and speaking positively about them. For students, it could translate into practicing integrity in academic pursuits, resisting the pressure to compare, and seeking support when needed.

Ultimately, receiving and living Jesus' invitation is a continuous journey. Remember that Jesus was surprised to realize that even his disciples didn’t initially understand the internal purity verses external. So, it’s about cultivating an awareness of our inner world, making conscious choices that align with Gospel values, and extending grace to ourselves and others on this path of transformation. Remember, true purity doesn't stem from external constraints, but from the ongoing cultivation of a loving, compassionate, and Christ-centered heart.

May this reflection inspire us to resolutely embark on our own journey of inner exploration, receiving the transformative power of Jesus' message and living it out in our unique context, one heartfelt choice at a time. May God bless you and set your heart free of all defilement, filling it with the Saintly presence.


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