Friday, March 1, 2024


The story of Joseph teaches us a powerful lesson about the dangers of jealousy and the power of forgiveness. It shows how even families can be torn apart by envy and hatred. Seeds of Jealousy is really a terrible thing; we should not allow it to be sown in our hearts. 

In the book of Genesis 37: 3-28, we learn about Joseph, a young man favored by his father Jacob. The text said that "they (His brothers) hated him, so much that they would not greet him". The special love Jacob had for Joseph sparked jealousy in his brother's heart, who couldn't stand to see him succeed. So, gradually, their hearts were consumed by envy, their jealousy grew so strong that they eventually plot against their own flesh and blood and finally sold him into slavery.

This act of betrayal against their own brother highlights a sad truth: family bonds are not always strong enough to overcome jealousy and resentment. These negative emotions can poison even the closest relationships, causing people to lash out in harmful ways. This is a human reality because even kids sometimes manifest this sentiment. It is important to be vigilant about this and not allow these negative emotions dominate us.

A Call for Reflection

The story of Joseph asks us to look inward and reflect on our own lives. Do we hold grudges against others? Do we sometimes feel jealous of their success or happiness? It reminds us of the first murder, committed by Cain against his brother Abel, out of jealousy. Joseph’s brothers refused to accept that each of them is different and thus failed to recognize their specific identity before their father.  This is one of the causes of hatred: low self-esteem, self comparison with others, inability to appreciate one's talents, to accept oneself as God has created us can awaken in us the felling of jealousy. 

Therefore, to avert this type of evil, it is vital that we always understand that each person is uniquely created by God. We are all gifted differently. And each of us, we can become the better part of ourselves by growing in awareness of who we are before God. Spirit of collaboration, solidarity is what the world needs today and not rivalry, unhealthy competition. 

In this season of Lent, let Joseph's story be a reminder for us to choose love over jealousy, and forgiveness over resentment. Even in difficult times, we can choose to nurture compassion and understanding. Just as a flicker of hope existed in Ruben’s voice, we too can rekindle the sparks of kindness within ourselves and contribute to making the world a better place.

1 comment:

  1. It is important to be vigilant and not allow the feeling of envy dominate our capacity to Love.


Un Regard Qui Transforme une Vie (Luc 5,27-32)

Chères Sœurs et chers Frères, que la Paix et l’Amour du Christ soient avec vous tous !!! Aujourd’hui, nous méditons sur l’appel de Lévi,...