The passage in Jeremiah 7: 23-28 paints a poignant picture of a broken connection between God and His people.
God, like a loving Father, talks to His people with a tender voice, extends His
promise to them: “heed my voice, follow my path, and we shall walk together, I
will be your God, you shall be my people”. It's an invitation to a life filled
with purpose and prosperity, guided by the unwavering light of God's love.
But the people turn away.
Their hearts, described as "hardened" and "stubborn,"
choose a different path. They become consumed by their own desires, their own
understanding of the world. It's a heart-breaking image – God's hand
outstretched, met with closed fists.
An Echo in the Shema
Jeremiah's message serves
as a reminder of what the people already know. In Deuteronomy 6:4, it is
written: "Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is the Lord alone. And you
must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your
strength." This isn't just a declaration of faith; it's a call to
action. It echoes the fundamental approach every believer must have towards
God. True faith is active listening. It's about opening our hearts to God's
wisdom and allowing it to shape our choices. But how can we listen if our lives
are filled with noise, if our environment drowns out the quiet whispers?
Psalm 95:7-11 invites
believers to adopt this listening attitude even when they pray: "Today, if you
hear his voice, do not harden your hearts, as at Meribah, as on the day at
Massah in the wilderness, when your fathers put me to the test..."
The heart, being the
centre of love, is where God calls us to cultivate a transformative
disposition. God asks us to prepare our hearts to receive His words. What we
hear should resonate within us, prompting a movement of conversion. With God,
it's never too late to turn back, to choose to listen. His invitation may seem
unanswered for a while, but the door remains open.
A Reflection for Our
Jeremiah's message today acts as a mirror to our own hearts. How often do we find ourselves caught up in our routine activities, the world's cacophony, that we miss the gentle whispers of God's voice? How often do we hear the Word of God without allowing it to transform us? Perhaps there's a nagging sense of unease, a feeling that something is missing. Maybe that's God's voice, patiently waiting to be heard.
God speaks to us through
various channels: His words, events of daily life, the people we encounter, and
more. Discerning His voice amidst the multitude of voices we encounter daily
poses a significant challenge. In today's Gospel, (Luke 11: 14-23), Jesus is accused of
casting out demons by the power of Beelzebul. The attitude of his accusers towards a great sign he performed shows us that when human
eyes choose to be blind to divine signs and the heart remains closed to God's
presence, it becomes difficult to expect change or renewal.
May today's readings
serve as a reminder to slow down, to create space for silence in our lives. In
that quietude, we can truly listen, allowing God to speak directly to our
hearts, making them receptive to His Word and His call to conversion. Perhaps
this moment of silence can be experienced through prayer, meditation, or simply
spending time in nature. As we open ourselves to God's voice, we open ourselves
to the possibility of a deeper connection, a life guided by love and purpose.
Let us always remember, God's
invitation is always there. The question is, will we choose to listen? May God heal our ears and heart, make them capable of listening to His word again and be transformed by it🙏🙏🙏
"Discerning God's voice amidst the multitude of voices we encounter daily poses a significant challenge today. May God help us recognize His voice and presence 🙏🙏🙏