Friday, March 15, 2024

The Battle between Light and Darkness, Truth and Lies according to Wisdom 2:12-22 and John 7:1-2,10,25-30

The readings from the book of Wisdom and the Gospel of John share a deeply moving image of what it means to live a life of goodness in the face of hatred. Imagine being disliked simply for doing what's right. That's the essence of the message we find in Wisdom 2:12-22, where the good person's mere existence is enough to unsettle those around him. His life is like a mirror, reflecting back the truths others would rather not see. This theme continues in John 7:1-2,10,25-30, where we see Jesus facing pushback from some religious leaders. Why? Because he dared to shake up the norm, to prioritize kindness over rituals, to extend a hand to those everyone else turned away from, (lepers, prostitutes, tax-collectors, etc.) and to heal the sick even on Sabath day. His actions and words didn't just ruffle feathers; they became a threat to the religious authorities and comfortable lifestyles of those in power.

The book of Wisdom reminds us that being against the “Righteous” isn’t something new.  The "enemies of the Just" in Wisdom scoff at his very existence. His virtue "annoys" them because it is a constant reminder of their own failings.  They see his "knowledge of God" and his claim to be a "son of the Lord" as a reproach, a weight on their conscience.  Similarly, in John's Gospel, the Jewish leaders plot against Jesus, their hatred fueled by his teachings that challenge their established order.

This narrative isn't just ancient history; it's incredibly relevant today. Think about those who stand up against corruption or fight tirelessly for a fairer world. Their bravery lays bare truths that make the powerful uncomfortable, often putting these truth-tellers in danger. And some of them have paid the ultimate price while those alive continue to summer violence and persecution.  It's a reminder that standing up for what's right can come with a hefty price.

Yet, in these stories, there's also an underlying thread of hope. Being targeted for doing good, living according to Gospel teachings and values underline the impact one person can have in a context where evil and injustice thrive. It reminds us of the cost of living authentically according to Jesus’ teachings, a path in which one can sometimes feel lonely, isolated and even menaced. It's a call to each of us to not just admire goodness from afar but to embody it, to be that light in the darkness. The life of Jesus teaches us that goodness, love prevails at the end even amidst overwhelming darkness, confusion, and immorality masquerading as truth and deceiving people and some innocent souls.

Today’s readings urge us to do an introspection. How do we react to those who challenge us to think differently? Are we uncomfortable in the face of truth of the Gospel? The stories from Wisdom and John offer us a choice: to embrace light, the narrow path that Jesus spoke about (Matthew 7 :13-14) or remain hidden in the darkness.

Though the world may attempt to obscure the light of the Truth that came into to the world (John 3:13), but, as we're reminded in the Book of Wisdom, "Wisdom is radiant and unfading." (Widom 6:12).  Let's each strive to be a reflection of that light, offering hope in a world that is going through a difficult time of confusion. 

May we embrace the dim of Light of Jesus in our lives against the overwhelming darkness of hatred, wickedness and sin in the world today.🙏🙏🙏

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