Sunday, February 9, 2025

Responding to God’s Call with Faith and Open Hearts


Dear Sisters and Brothers, Happy Sunday to you!!!

Today, we meditate on Divine Call and human response, how God calls us in various circumstances and how each call is unique. Throughout history, God has summoned people for His mission, often in unexpected ways and at unexpected times. Some were tending sheep, others casting nets, some were even running away from Him! Yet, one truth remains constant : God calls, and we are invited to respond.

The stories of Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1-8) and Peter (Luke 5:1-11) reveal two profound encounters with God’s call. Isaiah, a prophet in the temple, is overwhelmed by God’s holiness. Peter, an ordinary fisherman, is stunned by Jesus’ power. Both feel unworthy. Both hesitate. But in the end, both say yes, because God does not call the qualified; He qualifies the called.

God Makes Us Capable of His Mission

Isaiah, standing before the majesty of God’s throne, trembles in fear:

“Woe is me! I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, yet my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!” (Isaiah 6:5)

Similarly, Peter, after witnessing the miraculous catch of fish, falls to his knees before Jesus:

“Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!” (Luke 5:8)

Isaiah and Peter both recognize their unworthiness. They feel small before the greatness of God. Yet, God does not let them remain in their fear. Isaiah’s lips are purified by a burning coal. Jesus reassures Peter:

“Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.” (Luke 5:10)

God purifies. God empowers. And as soon as their hearts are freed, their response changes.

Isaiah, once lamenting his sinfulness, now boldly declares:

“Here I am! Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)

Peter, who moments earlier begged Jesus to leave him, now leaves everything to follow Him.

What This Means for Us

Many of us feel unworthy of God’s call. We think we are too sinful, too weak, too ordinary. But these passages remind us that God’s call is not about our qualifications, it is about our willingness to let Him transform us.

Like Isaiah, we may feel tainted by our surroundings. Like Peter, we may feel like failures, exhausted from struggling in our own strength. But the moment we surrender and let God’s grace touch us, we are changed.

  • God does not call us because we are perfect; He calls us because He wants to make us new.
  • God’s mission is not about our ability; it is about His power working through us.
  • Our weaknesses do not disqualify us; they become the very place where His strength is revealed.

Welcoming God's Call in Our Lives

Every Christian is called, whether to serve in ministry, to be a witness at work, to raise a family in faith, or to be a light in a dark world. The question is: Are we listening? Are we willing?

Isaiah and Peter teach us that when God calls, the only right response is trust and surrender. If we focus on our failures, we will stay stuck. But if we focus on His power, we will see miracles happen in and through us.

Today, let us allow God to purify our hearts, to cast out our fears, and to embolden us with His Spirit. Like Isaiah, like Peter, may we rise and say:

“Here I am, Lord! I am not worthy, but I am willing. Send me.”

Amen. 🙏


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