Monday, February 10, 2025

The One Thing Necessary. A Meditation on Luke 10:38-42

Dear Sisters and Brothers, Peace and Love of Christ be with you all! Welcome to this new week as we continue to seek God’s face and strive to know and do His will.

Today’s Gospel passage invites us into the home of two sisters, Martha and Mary, where Jesus is welcomed as a guest. In this intimate setting, a striking contrast unfolds: Martha is busy serving, while Mary sits at the feet of Jesus, listening to his word.

At first glance, Martha’s actions seem commendable—after all, isn’t hospitality a noble and necessary duty? Yet, when she complains that Mary has left her to do all the work, Jesus gently corrects her:

“Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.”

Two Ways of Welcoming Jesus: One More Important Than the Other: This passage reveals two forms of hospitality toward Jesus, Martha's active service – practical, generous, but distracted, Mary’s attentive presence, receptive, quiet, and fully engaged.

Martha’s service is not wrong. The problem is that her work has become a source of anxiety, making her lose sight of the Guest himself. She is so caught up in doing for Jesus that she forgets to be with Jesus.

On the other hand, Mary’s choice is praised not because work is unimportant, but because the heart of hospitality is first to listen, to be present, to receive Jesus before we serve him.

Message for Our Lives Today

In our fast-paced world, many of us are Marthas—always busy, always doing, always anxious. Even in the Church, we fill our schedules with activities, meetings, and services, yet we risk losing sight of Jesus.

Jesus’ words to Martha are a loving call to each of us:

  • Are you so busy working for God that you no longer have time to be with Him?
  • Have distractions and worries crowded out your personal prayer and reflection?
  • Do you find yourself serving, but with a tired, restless heart?

The consequence of constant busyness and anxiety is a loss of inner peace. Many today are restless, burdened, and spiritually exhausted because they have not learned to pause, meditate, and listen to God’s Word. The inability to be still and reflect leads to emotional, mental, and even spiritual burnout.

When we are too preoccupied with our duties and ambitions, we make choices that are driven by pressure rather than wisdom. We become reactive instead of reflective, consumed by noise instead of nourished by silence. This is why many experience a lack of clarity, frustration in relationships, and an emptiness that no amount of productivity can fill.

God does not call us to a life of endless busyness but to a life of meaningful presence. If we never take time to be with Him, we will eventually find ourselves spiritually drained, overwhelmed by the demands of life, and unable to discern His voice in our choices.

The key message of this passage is simple but quite deep: The most important thing in life is intimacy with Jesus. Everything else must flow from that. Our Christian journey must be a balance of contemplation and action, of Mary’s listening heart and Martha’s generous hands. But if we neglect to sit at the feet of Jesus first, our service will become burdened with anxiety rather than filled with love. We can easily fall into burnout.

Choosing the Better Part:  Jesus calls us to choose the “better part”, not in neglecting our duties, but in making prayer, Scripture, and a deep relationship with Him our priority. Before we serve, before we act, before we run around trying to do good, we must first sit, listen, and love.

May we learn from Mary to seek Jesus above all else. May we serve like Martha, but with a heart rooted in the peace that comes from being with Christ. Amen.


Let us Pray:  Sitting at His Feet

Heavenly Father,

I thank You for the precious gift of Your Word,
a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.
Through it, You speak to my heart,
guiding me toward the way of peace and true fulfillment.

Lord Jesus, in the midst of life’s busyness,
teach me to pause and listen to Your voice.
Like Mary, help me to sit at Your feet,
to treasure Your presence above all else.
When worries and distractions pull me away,
remind me that You alone are the one thing necessary.

Grant me the wisdom to balance work and prayer,
service and contemplation, action and stillness.
May I serve You, like Martha, but with a heart at peace,
filled with the joy of being close to You.

Calm my anxious heart, Lord,
fill me with Your peace,
and let my life be rooted in You,
now and forever.

Amen. 🙏


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