On this first Tuesday of Advent, Jesus continues his mission of fulfilling the
prophesies. Isaiah prophesied about the Mountain on which the LORD, GOD OF
HOSTS will provide for all peoples A feast
of rich food and choices wines, juicy, rich food. He will destroy the veil that
veils all peoples…”. Isaiah prophesy symbolizes abundance and divine
providence. It foretells the removal of the shroud of suffering and death, the
web that is women over all nations. This prophesy illustrates God’s ultimate
victory over worldly sorrows, pains and the salvation He offers us.
Now, connecting this prophesy of Isaiah with today’s Gospel (Matthew 15:29-37), we contemplate how
Jesus perfectly embodies this prophesy. Matthew
started by saying: “Jesus walked by the sea of Galilee, went up on the
mountain, and sat down there.” In
the Holy Scripture, mountain is often presented as a privileged place of encounter
with God. Great crowds came to Jesus. It’s so amazing to contemplate this
scenario. This reminds me of Jesus’ word : “Come to me all you who labor and
are burdened and I will give you rest” (Mt 11:28). It’s unfortunate that
sometimes believers, Christians look for solutions to their problems else
where, instead of running to Jesus in prayer.
Jesus heals the sick, helped the mute speak, made the deformed whole,
the lame walk, the blind see. These miracles are not just a display of divine
power; they symbolize the spiritual care that God provides for all who come to
Him. All we need to do is to embark on this spiritual journey, on a pilgrimage
of faith. I noticed that none of those
healed said a single word to Jesus. Leaving their houses and coming to Jesus was
enough for the miracle to happen. Sometimes
when we come to Jesus especially in prayer, visit of the Blessed Sacrament, it
may not be necessary to talk; our silent presence inhabited by faith suffice
for God. The whole crowd glorified God. Gratitude, prayer of thanksgiving to
God is very essential.
Another thing that struck my attention is that probably most of the
people Jesus cured could not have made it to be there alone. A lame man, a
blind mind, needs the help of another person for mobility. Matthew said that “They
placed them at the feet of Jesus”. This act of faith underscores the need for us
for believe in the power of prayer of intercession. We can bring others to
Jesus not only physically by accompanying them to Church, visit of the Blessed
Sacrament, but also through prayers.
This Gospel is also a revelation of the Heart of Jesus. Jesus, who is meek and humble of heart.
Talking to his disciples Jesus says: “My heart is moved with Pity for the crowd..”. This shows us that Jesus is concerned for all our wellbeing, physical and
spiritual. He reveal to us the Heart of our
God. God is moved with pity seeing
humanity in deep pains, sufferings. Jesus not only wanted his disciples to
discover how compassionate his heart is but also to be involved more closely to
his mission. They tried to avoid the difficulty of feeding the crowd
(where could we ever get enough bread in this deserted place to satisfy this
crowd) but Jesus challenged to develop a creative faith. They gave him the
Seven loaves and fish. Jesus used this to feed the crowd, after giving thanks
to God the Father.
By involving His disciples in this miracle Jesus teaches us the
importance of developing what I call a “creative faith”. God who created the world
out of nothing wants us to understand that in the face of enormous task of doing
mission today, if we put our trust in Him, He
can use the little we have (our talents, our goods, sacrifices, etc) to
change this world. Sometimes, when we see people suffering, in need of help, we
might be moved emotionally. Jesus is telling us to go beyond and do something. He
teaches us to pray over every gestures, act of charity we do. Therefore, let us
ask God the grace to be instruments of his love and grace, understanding that
in Christ, there is fullness of life, fulfillment of divine promise of salvation
and sustenance for all.
us pray
Dear Heavenly
We come before You today in awe of Your unending faithfulness. You are the Creator of all and the Fulfiller of promises. We recognize Your constant provision and care in our lives, just as You prepared a feast for all nations in Isaiah's vision and miraculously provided for the multitude through Your Son, Jesus. Your love is rich, and Your grace is abundant. Help us to always remember this.
Lord Jesus, we ask that You teach us to come to You with unwavering faith and trust, just as You showed compassion and moved with pity for the crowds. In moments of doubt or impatience, remind us of Your perfect timing and Your mighty works. We know that You are the God who heals, feeds, and restores, not just in body but in spirit. Grant us the patience to wait on Your promises.
Holy Spirit, we ask that You guide us to follow in the footsteps of
Christ. Help us to be attentive to both the spiritual and physical needs of
those around us. Instill in us a heart of service, compassion, and love,
mirroring the example of Jesus. May we be vessels of Your love and grace,
serving as faithful disciples and living testaments to Your never-ending
faithfulness and love.
May God bless you and attend to your needs today in Jesus name!!!