
Contemplating the Depth of Christ’s Love and Forgiveness: From Denial to Restoration (John 21, 15-19).

Peace and Love of the Risen Christ Jesus be with you, dear Sisters, and Brothers in Christ!!! Today, we reflect on a profound and heart-touching moment in the Gospel of John, chapter 21, verses 15 to 19. This passage presents us with an intimate and powerful encounter between Jesus and Peter, one that speaks to us about forgiveness, restoration, and the deep love that Jesus has for each of us. To set the scene, this passage takes place after Jesus' resurrection. The disciples are by the Sea of Galilee, having just shared a miraculous catch of fish and breakfast with the risen Lord. Amidst this ordinary yet extraordinary setting, Jesus turns to Peter and asks, "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?" Jesus' question pierces through the layers of Peter’s heart. Recall that Peter had denied Jesus three times during the night of His arrest. Peter, who had once declared his unwavering loyalty, found himself broken by his own weaknesses and fear. In this m

Consecrated In the Truth And Saved In His Name. (John 17:11-19).

Brothers and sisters, today, we have the opportunity to reflect on Jesus priestly prayer, his most intimate conversation, a prayer whispered to the Father on our behalf. Jesus, knowing the world's harsh winds can snuff out even the sturdiest faith, pleads, “ Holy Father, keep them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one just as we are one.”  This isn't just about physical safety, but about finding refuge in God's presence, a place where doubt and fear cannot touch us. Jesus reveals to us that in His name we find refuge because at the mention of his name every knee must bow! This is a revelation that there is power in the name of Jesus. The world today is no less hostile than it was for the early disciples. We face challenges that can threaten our faith and our unity as believers. Perhaps our lives have become so comfortable that our faith feels like a flickering candle in the midday sun.  Have we become complacent, forgetting the fire that first ignite


  May 13 th was the feast of first apparition of Blessed Mother Mary at Fatima, in Portugal.  I would like to focus my meditation on this event that has greatly contributed to shaping the life of Christians all over the world.  It all started in a small village of Fatima, Portugal, where three shepherd children – Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta – witnessed extraordinary events. From May 13 th to October 13 th , the received apparitions of the Blessed Mother Mary. These ordinary children, raised in a simple Catholic family, were accustomed to prayer. Reflecting on their story, I’d like to highlight some key points that capture my attention. Divine Manifestations and a Call to Renewal: Just as Moses encountered the burning bush (Exodus 3: 1 – 15), and Bernadette witnessed a miraculous vision in Lourdes on February 11 th , 1858, these children had their own encounter with the divine. Lucia describes a flash of light, followed by the appearance of a beautiful lady on an oak tree.  Lucia re

Growing Together: Lessons from the Early Christian Community on Diversity Management and Justice, (Acts 6:1-7).

  Acts of the Apostles paint a beautiful picture of the early Church, a community vibrant with faith and overflowing with love, (Acts 4: 32-35). This idyllic scene of oneness and shared possession is challenged in Acts 6: 1-7. As the number of disciples grew, so did the complexities of caring for the community. Grumbling arose among the Greek-speaking Jews (Hellenists) who felt their widows were being neglected in the daily food distribution. This incident challenges the earlier image of perfect unity, highlighting the inevitable friction that arises in any growing community, even one bound by love. Addressing Community Needs: The Apostolic Solution : Faced with crucial challenge, the Twelve Apostles summoned the whole Community of Disciples and proposed the selection of seven men of good standing, full of the Spirit and of Wisdom, to oversee this task, allowing the Apostles to dedicate themselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word. This decision was well received by the whole co

The Battle between Light and Darkness, Truth and Lies according to Wisdom 2:12-22 and John 7:1-2,10,25-30

The readings from the book of Wisdom and the Gospel of John share a deeply moving image of what it means to live a life of goodness in the face of hatred. Imagine being disliked simply for doing what's right. That's the essence of the message we find in Wisdom 2:12-22, where the good person's mere existence is enough to unsettle those around him. His life is like a mirror, reflecting back the truths others would rather not see. This theme continues in John 7:1-2,10,25-30 , where we see Jesus facing pushback from some religious leaders. Why? Because he dared to shake up the norm, to prioritize kindness over rituals, to extend a hand to those everyone else turned away from, (lepers, prostitutes, tax-collectors, etc.) and to heal the sick even on Sabath day. His actions and words didn't just ruffle feathers; they became a threat to the religious authorities and comfortable lifestyles of those in power. The book of Wisdom reminds us that being against the “Righteous” isn’

Au-delà du Veau d'Or : Un Appel à une Relation Authentique avec Dieu. (Exode 32 : 7-14).

  Le récit du veau d’or dans Exode 32 est profondément touchant dans la compréhension de la relation entre Dieu et son peuple élu, les Israélites. Fraîchement libérés de l'esclavage en Égypte, ils succombent vite à l'idolâtrie en l'absence de Moïse, qui était sur le mont Sinaï et recevait les commandements de Dieu. Cet épisode soulève plusieurs questions et réflexions : Pourquoi le Veau d'Or ? L’histoire du veau d’or reflète une inclination humaine universelle : notre aspiration au tangible et à l’immédiat plutôt qu’au spirituel et à l’invisible. Cela expose notre vulnérabilité à idolâtrer les possessions matérielles, le statut ou les réalisations comme substituts à notre désir inné d’une connexion avec Dieu. Cette idole, bien que symbolique, illustre que de tels substituts ne suffisent pas à satisfaire nos désirs spirituels les plus profonds. Peur et insécurité : Les motivations sous-jacentes des Israélites étaient de trouver la sécurité et d’apprivoiser leur pe

Beyond the Golden Calf: A Call to True Relationship with God. (Exodus 32: 7-14).

The narrative of the golden calf in Exodus 32 is a heart-breaking one, but also deeply touching in understanding the relationship between God and his chosen people, the Israelites. Freshly freed from slavery in Egypt, they succumb to idolatry in the absence of Moses, who was on Mount Sinai receiving the commandments from God. This episode raises several questions and reflections: Why the Golden Calf? The golden calf story mirrors a universal human inclination: our yearning for the tangible and immediate over the spiritual and unseen. It exposes our vulnerability to idolizing material possessions, status, or achievements as substitutes for our innate longing for a connection with God. This idol, however symbolically, illustrates that such substitutes fall short of fulfilling our deepest spiritual desires. Fear and Insecurity: The underlying motivations of the Israelites was to find security and tame their fear. Mose’s prolonged absence made them feel vulnerable and adrift, thus t