8:18-25 is essentially a beacon of hope, illuminating our path when darkness,
despair, and difficulties threaten to engulf our spirit. I think that at the
heart of this letter is this expression: ‘For in Hope we are Saved,".
This passage is particularly poignant for believers navigating the turbulent
waters of modern challenges. In November 2007, Pope Benedict XVI (of blessed memory) wrote an encyclical called Spe Salvi - In Hope we are saved. He presented "Hope" as Biblical word interchangeable with the word "Faith".
The message of St Paul to the Romans is the fruit of his Faith experiences. He went through a lot of hardship, sufferings, persecutions and rejection; all for the sake of the Gospel, but never gave up because he knew the One in whom he has put his trust - his hope. So, his experience of Hope is the fruit of his encounter with Jesus Christ. Paul
reminds us that the sufferings we experience now are nothing compared to the
glory that awaits us. It's easy to get bogged down by personal, societal, and
global challenges, but we can take comfort in the fact that they're temporary
in the grand scheme of God's plan of Salvation, the realisation of His Kingdom.
not just us humans who are waiting for redemption, though. All of creation
yearns for liberation from decay and the freedom that comes with being a child
of God. Even though we have the first fruits of the Spirit, we still long for a
world free of pain and suffering.
heart of this meditation is the declaration that “For in this hope we were
saved." Hope is what gives us strength. This isn't a fleeting wish;
it's a steadfast assurance grounded in God's promises. Hope is what faith is
all about, and it's what keeps us anchored. We don't hope for things we already
have; we hope for things we don't yet have. St Padre Pio often advised those
who came to him for help in these words: “Pray, Hope, don’t worry. Worry is
useless, God is merciful and will hear your prayer”.
message is important especially when we are facing difficult times. We
know that it's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture when we're in the thick
of things, but Paul urges us to look beyond the present difficulties and anchor
ourselves in the eternal hope that Christ offers. God promised us that behold, He is making everything new, (Cfr Apocalypse 21,5). Every believer can find in these words strength to move forward on the journey of Faith, even when winds of temptations, problems are blowing against his or her life.
In one of his interviews, Jurgen Moltmann (a famous german theologian) said: "Hope is joy anticipated". To
Hope means looking beyond the immediate problems, difficulties, trials, and trusting that the future is bright, even
when the present is bleak. We're not just waiting around for things to get
better; we're actively participating in God's plan by making each day count, listening to the voice of the Spirit of God, discerning the signs of time. We
know that despite the darkness of the present, there's a bright future ahead. Our hope is founded on the promise of God. And we believe that God's word is Truth.
let's remember that as followers of Christ, we're not promised an easy life.
But we are promised a hope that is unshakable, that remains firm in the face of
adversity, and that ultimately saves us. Paul's words remind us that our trials
are short-lived compared to the glory that awaits us. "For in Hope we are
Saved." Let's hold onto that hope as we journey forward.
of Hope and Thanksgiving!
times of difficulty and hardship, we turn to Your Word for comfort and hope. We
find solace in the promises of Romans 8 and the knowledge that You are always
with us.
know that our earthly struggles are temporary and that You have a glorious
future planned for us. Thank You for Your unwavering love and the assurance
that our present sufferings will give way to eternal joy.
we look back on this month, we are grateful for Your guidance and faithfulness.
We give You all the praise and thanksgiving as we continue to put our trust in
Your love and care.
make our prayers through Christ our Lord!
God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name!!!