Tuesday, October 31, 2023


Romans 8:18-25 is essentially a beacon of hope, illuminating our path when darkness, despair, and difficulties threaten to engulf our spirit. I think that at the heart of this letter is this expression: ‘For in Hope we are Saved,". This passage is particularly poignant for believers navigating the turbulent waters of modern challenges. In November 2007, Pope Benedict XVI (of blessed memory) wrote an encyclical called Spe Salvi - In Hope we are saved. He presented "Hope" as Biblical word interchangeable with the word "Faith". 

The message of St Paul to the Romans is the fruit of his Faith experiences. He went through a lot of hardship, sufferings, persecutions and rejection; all for the sake of the Gospel, but never gave up because he knew the One in whom he has put his trust - his hope. So, his experience of Hope is the fruit of his encounter with Jesus Christ. Paul reminds us that the sufferings we experience now are nothing compared to the glory that awaits us. It's easy to get bogged down by personal, societal, and global challenges, but we can take comfort in the fact that they're temporary in the grand scheme of God's plan of Salvation, the realisation of His Kingdom.

It's not just us humans who are waiting for redemption, though. All of creation yearns for liberation from decay and the freedom that comes with being a child of God. Even though we have the first fruits of the Spirit, we still long for a world free of pain and suffering.

The heart of this meditation is the declaration that “For in this hope we were saved." Hope is what gives us strength. This isn't a fleeting wish; it's a steadfast assurance grounded in God's promises. Hope is what faith is all about, and it's what keeps us anchored. We don't hope for things we already have; we hope for things we don't yet have. St Padre Pio often advised those who came to him for help in these words: “Pray, Hope, don’t worry. Worry is useless, God is merciful and will hear your prayer”.

This message is  important  especially when we are facing difficult times. We know that it's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture when we're in the thick of things, but Paul urges us to look beyond the present difficulties and anchor ourselves in the eternal hope that Christ offers. God promised us that behold, He is making everything new, (Cfr Apocalypse 21,5). Every believer can find in these words strength to move forward on the journey of Faith, even when winds of temptations, problems are blowing against his or her life. 

In one of his interviews, Jurgen Moltmann (a famous german theologian) said: "Hope is joy anticipated".  To Hope means looking beyond the immediate problems, difficulties, trials,  and trusting that the future is bright, even when the present is bleak. We're not just waiting around for things to get better; we're actively participating in God's plan by making each day count, listening to the voice of the Spirit of God, discerning the signs of time. We know that despite the darkness of the present, there's a bright future ahead. Our hope is founded on the promise of God. And we believe that God's word is Truth. 

So, let's remember that as followers of Christ, we're not promised an easy life. But we are promised a hope that is unshakable, that remains firm in the face of adversity, and that ultimately saves us. Paul's words remind us that our trials are short-lived compared to the glory that awaits us. "For in Hope we are Saved." Let's hold onto that hope as we journey forward.


Prayer of Hope and Thanksgiving!

Dear God,

In times of difficulty and hardship, we turn to Your Word for comfort and hope. We find solace in the promises of Romans 8 and the knowledge that You are always with us.

We know that our earthly struggles are temporary and that You have a glorious future planned for us. Thank You for Your unwavering love and the assurance that our present sufferings will give way to eternal joy.

As we look back on this month, we are grateful for Your guidance and faithfulness. We give You all the praise and thanksgiving as we continue to put our trust in Your love and care.

We make our prayers through Christ our Lord!

May God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name!!! 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

THE HEARTBEAT OF FAITH: EMBRACING GOD’S LOVE AND SHARING IT. (Matthew 22: 34-40 and Exodus 22:20-26).

The passage from Matthew 22: is of paramount importance to Christians; it  illuminates the essence of our faith: Love of God, of our Neighbours as Ourselves. Today’s Gospel recounts the Pharisees' attempt to test Jesus by asking him which commandment is the greatest. Jesus’ response is profound. Jesus distilled the vast mosaic of laws and teachings into two primary commandments of love. Yet, there is an intentional order in which He presents them, signaling the foundational nature of one over the other.

First, Jesus emphasizes the immense significance of loving God "with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This order in which Jesus summarized the whole commandments (613 as contained in the Jewish tradition), is not arbitrary. It suggests a hierarchy of love. The primary love is our love for God, from which all other forms of love emanate. Love for God is the foundation.

When we genuinely love God, we, by extension, learn to love ourselves – not in a narcissistic or self-serving manner, but in the profound understanding and appreciation of God's image in us. True self-love, as Jesus teaches, is an acknowledgment of this divine imprint, respecting and nurturing our God-given attributes and potentials. When we deeply love and reverence God, we begin to understand our intrinsic value as His creations. This realization enables us to love ourselves. And when we love ourselves in the light of God's love, we can't help but extend that love to others, recognizing the same divine spark in them.

Only upon this foundation of loving God and understanding our worth in His eyes can we move to the second commandment: to love our neighbors as ourselves. It's no secret that our ability to extend love to others is deeply intertwined with how we view and love ourselves. If our self-love is tainted with narcissism or selfishness, our love for others will be, too. But when rooted in the divine, our love for ourselves becomes the springboard from which genuine, selfless love for others can emerge.

“With all Your Heart”: In biblical times, the heart was often considered the seat of emotions, desires, and will. When Jesus speaks of loving God with all our heart, He is referring to our passions, desires, and emotions. It means that our love for God should be fervent, sincere, and from the depths of our emotional being. Our affections should be set on Him, and our deepest desires should be aligned with His will.

“With all Your Soul”: The soul is the essence of who we are. It is the immortal part of us that transcends our physical existence. Loving God with all our soul implies an eternal and unwavering commitment. Even when faced with challenges, temptations, or doubts in our earthly journey, our soul remains anchored in its love and commitment to God. It's a love that persists beyond life's fleeting moments, suggesting a bond that is unbreakable and eternal.

“With all Your Mind (or Spirit)”: The mind represents our intellect, our thoughts, our understanding, and our discernment. To love God with all our mind means to seek Him through study, reflection, and meditation on His Word. It's an invitation to know Him more deeply, to understand His character, His teachings, and His desires for us. This intellectual pursuit leads to a deeper, more informed, and conscious love for God. It's not just an emotional response but a reasoned, thoughtful devotion.

By emphasizing these three dimensions of love – heart, soul, and mind – Jesus is essentially calling for a holistic love for God. He wants believers to love God emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually. This comprehensive love ensures that every aspect of our being is aligned with God, allowing us to live out our faith authentically and with integrity.

Exodus 22:20-26 help us understand what it means to love others.  It's a beautiful passage where God provides His people with a set of moral guidelines that emphasize the importance of compassion, justice, and love for others. God wants His people to treat everyone with respect and kindness, especially those who are vulnerable and marginalized. He specifically calls on the Israelites not to mistreat foreigners, widows, or orphans. It's clear that God cares deeply for all people, and He warns of dire consequences for those who oppress the vulnerable. This passage reminds us that as God's people, we are called to be instruments of His mercy and love, spreading kindness and compassion wherever we go.

Therefore, we are called to see ourselves through God's eyes, recognizing our value and worth. From this vantage point, we can then radiate that love outward, ensuring our interactions are not tainted by the pitfalls of self-centeredness but are instead a testament to God’s unending love.

In a world where the lines between self-love and selfishness often blur, Jesus provides us with a clarifying perspective. To genuinely follow Christ's path, we must first acknowledge the divine within us, steering clear of narcissism, and then let that realization fuel our love for the world around us.


Let us Pray:

Heavenly Father, source of all love and light,

Guide our hearts to truly understand Your greatest commandments.

Help us to love You with all our heart, soul, and mind,

To see ourselves as reflections of Your divine image,

And to cherish that same divine spark in our neighbors.


Teach us, Lord, to embrace the depth of Your love for us,

That we might extend it selflessly to all those we encounter.

In moments of doubt or distraction, remind us of our intrinsic worth,

And guide our actions in the service of love, compassion, and understanding.


In the wisdom of Your teachings, may we find our path,

Uniting our love for You, ourselves, and our fellow creations.

Through Christ our Lord, the embodiment of Your love,



Wednesday, October 18, 2023



On this special feast day of St. Luke, the evangelist, we are called to reflect deeply on our mission as Christians. Luke, a physician by occupation, became disciple of Jesus by vocation, and followed Paul from whom he learnt most of what he wrote.  He is known as evangelist of joy because of how he presented the Good News of salvation. His attention to detail and dedication to conveying the message of Christ serve as an inspiration for all of us.

Our Calling to a Greater Mission:

Just as the seventy-two were sent out by Jesus, so too are we, by the grace of our baptism, called to evangelize—to bring the Good News to the ends of the earth. Our mission may not require us to travel to distant lands, but it certainly invites us to share the Gospel with our family, friends, co-workers, and the world around us.

“He sent them ahead of him in pairs”. But why did Jesus send his disciples in pairs? I think that there are at least two reasons: to form a community of disciples who pray and work together because “where two or three are gathered in his name, he is in their midst”.  The second reason is that within their mission context, testimonies were only validated if corroborated by two or more witnesses.

The Risks and Rewards of Missionary Work:

Jesus says to the 72 disciples: “Behold I am sending you like lambs among wolves…”: Being a missionary pushes us to transcend our boundaries (cultural, religious, social, moral standard)[1] and embrace others, sometimes at the risk of  misunderstanding, resistance, or even persecution. St Luke, whose legacy we honor today, was no stranger to such challenges. Yet, he pressed on, fortified by the divine grace.  

The Essence of Simplicity:

When Jesus instructed his disciples to travel light, he underscored the virtue of divine providence. In our earthly pilgrimage, there are things that can distract us from our primary mission. By embracing simplicity, we can better focus on what truly matters: our relationship with God and our call to serve others.

Peace as Our Gift for others:

The first message the disciples are to proclaim is “Shalom”, meaning “Peace”. While this aligns with the customary Jewish greetings, Jesus’ directive goes deeper. As the source of true peace, He charges us to bestow upon others what he gifted us (refer to John 14:27). It means that the disciples have to open wider hearts and hands to receive what is to be offered to others. As followers of Christ, we are to carry the gift of His peace. When we enter people, let’s try to radiate the peace, Joy and Love of Christ. Our world is in dare need of peace; but yet, how many really know the author and giver of peace?  Jesus says that If our peace is not accepted, we should move forward, undeterred in our mission.

The Kingdom is Near:

Each gesture of love, every word of encouragement, and every moment of genuine listening, every act of peace we offer to others each day draw the kingdom of God closer. Like Luke, our role isn't just to talk about the kingdom but to actively demonstrate it through our actions.

As we celebrate the feast of St. Luke, let's embrace our unique roles as modern-day evangelists. We are all called to be a living gospel for other. Although this is quite challenging, but with God it become possible. Our daily interactions, our acts of kindness, and our dedication to the teachings of Christ are the stories we pen in the hearts of those we meet.


Let us Pray:

Lord, on this feast day of St. Luke, inspire us to embrace our divine calling as bearers of the Gospel. Like Luke, may we be storytellers of Your love and grace, using our lives as living testaments of Your teachings.

Grant us the courage to evangelize with authenticity, the simplicity to focus solely on You, and the serenity to be carriers of Your peace. As we journey forth, remind us that every act of love and kindness brings Your kingdom closer to our hearts and to those we encounter. St. Luke, pray for us, that we might pen Your story not just with words, but with our actions and deeds. Amen.

May God bless you today as you listen to His Word!


[1] A typical example of this crossing borders is the encounter of Jesus with the Samaritan woman in John 4, 1-42. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023



Écriture :

Lorsque Jésus eut fini de parler, un pharisien l'invita à manger avec lui ; il entra donc et s'assit à table. Mais le pharisien fut surpris de voir que Jésus ne s'était pas lavé avant le repas. Alors le Seigneur lui dit : "Vous autres, pharisiens, vous nettoyez l'extérieur de la coupe et du plat, mais à l'intérieur vous êtes pleins de cupidité et de méchanceté. Insensés ! Celui qui a fait l'extérieur n'a-t-il pas aussi fait l'intérieur ? Mais donnez en aumône ce qui est à l'intérieur, et tout sera pur pour vous." (Luc 11:37-41,)

La Vraie Essence de la Sainteté.

Dans notre parcours chrétien, nous pouvons facilement nous laisser prendre par l'apparence de la sainteté, un peu comme les pharisiens qui étaient méticuleux à propos des rituels extérieurs et de la pureté. Ils étaient tellement préoccupés par les pratiques extérieures qu'ils ont manqué l'essence d'une vraie relation sincère avec Dieu.

Les paroles de Jésus aujourd'hui sont un rappel frappant que c'est ce qui se trouve à l'intérieur de notre cœur qui compte le plus. Nous pouvons devenir tellement préoccupés par la manière dont les autres nous perçoivent, tellement obsédés par l'image de la perfection, que nous négligeons l'état de nos cœurs, notre vie intérieure qui correspond à notre vie spirituelle. Mais Dieu, qui voit tout, connaît nos désirs les plus profonds, nos peurs et nos intentions.

Pureté Intérieure et Générosité Extérieure.

Il est donc essentiel pour nous de nous rappeler que nous sommes aimés, non pas à cause de la manière dont nous maintenons les apparences, notre perfection extérieure, mais à cause de ce que nous sommes : des enfants de Dieu. Le même Dieu qui a conçu chaque partie de nous se soucie profondément de notre être le plus intime. L'appel de Jésus ici est très clair : il veut que nous privilégiions toujours l'interne, le cœur. La vraie pureté commence de l'intérieur. C'est la raison pour laquelle la béatitude dit : "Heureux les cœurs purs, car ils verront Dieu" (Matthieu 5:8). C'est l'un des enseignements fondamentaux de Jésus dans Marc 7, 14-23 : « Rien de ce qui est extérieur à l'homme et qui entre en lui ne peut le rendre impur. Mais ce sont les choses qui sortent de l'homme qui le rendent impur. » Dans la suite de ce passage de Marc, Jésus énuméra une série d’actes qui rendent l’homme impur.  

Dans le passage d'aujourd'hui, Jésus donne une prescription profonde : « soyez généreux envers les pauvres ». La générosité est l'expression d'un cœur pur. En donnant à ceux qui en ont besoin, nous reflétons la nature du Christ, qui s'est donné lui-même pour nous. Par des actes de générosité, nous bénissons non seulement les autres, mais nous cultivons aussi un cœur en harmonie avec le cœur de Dieu, un cœur qui passe de l'égoïsme à l'ouverture et à la compassion envers les autres.

Aujourd'hui, ne nous concentrons pas uniquement sur l'extérieur, mais prêtons davantage attention à ce qui se passe ou se produit dans nos cœurs. Examinons nos motifs, désirs et intentions. Nous pouvons commencer par un petit acte de générosité. Cela pourrait être un don à une œuvre caritative, aider un voisin, ou même offrir un mot d'encouragement à quelqu'un dans le besoin. Par ces actes, nous purifions nos cœurs et nous rapprochons du cœur de Dieu, tout en permettant au temple de Dieu en nous de briller.


Prière :

Cher Père Céleste, aide-nous à privilégier l'état de nos cœurs plutôt que nos apparences extérieures. Pardonne-nous quand nous nous laissons prendre par les apparences au lieu d'être, plutôt que de vivre véritablement notre foi de l'intérieur. Remplis-nous d'un esprit de générosité, afin que nous puissions refléter Ton amour à ceux qui nous entourent. Au nom de Jésus, nous prions. Amen.







When Jesus had finished speaking, a Pharisee invited him to eat with him; so he went in and reclined at the table. But the Pharisee was surprised when he noticed that Jesus did not first wash before the meal. Then the Lord said to him, "Now then, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You foolish people! Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also? But now as for what is inside you—be generous to the poor, and everything will be clean for you." (Luke 11:37-41, NIV)

The True Essence of Holiness.

In our Christian journey, we can easily get caught up in the appearance of holiness, much like the Pharisees who were meticulous about external rituals and purity. They were so concerned with the external practices that they missed the essence of a true, heartfelt relationship with God and love of others.

Jesus’ words today are a stark reminder that what’s on the inside of our heart that matters most. We can become so concerned with how others perceive us, so obsessed with portraying an image of perfection, that we neglect the state of our hearts, our interior life which corresponds to our spiritual life. But God, who sees all, knows our deepest desires, our fears, and our intentions.

Inward Purity and Outward Generosity.

Therefore, it is crucial for us to remember that we are loved, not because of how well we keep up our appearances, how flawless we are, but because of who we are: beloved children of God. The same God who intricately designed every part of us cares deeply about our innermost being. Jesus' call here is very clear: he wants us to always prioritize the internal, the heart. True purity begins from within. This is the reason why the beatitude says: “Blessed are the pure in spirit(heart) for they shall see God”, (Matthew 5:8). This is one of the core teachings of Jesus in Mark 7, 14-23: “There is nothing outside of a person that by going into him render him impure, but the things that come of a person are what renders him impure”. And Jesus went on to enumerate them.  

 Jesus gives us a profound prescription to overcome the temptation of inner impurity: “be generous and kind, especially to the poor, the marginalized, the needy, etc.” Generosity is an outflow of a pure heart. It obliges us to think less about ourselves, and remember others in need. By giving to those in need, by helping others, we are reflecting the nature of Christ, who gave Himself for us. In this way, we become "another Christ" for the society. Through acts of generosity, we not only bless others but also cultivate a heart that is in tune with God’s own heart, a heart that moves from self-centeredness to openness and genuine compassion for others. True compassion means allowing ourselves to be touched by the need of others and then moving beyond mere feelings to take concrete actions, no matter how small they might be. 

Today, let us not just focus on the outward, but pay more attention to what happens or is happening in our hearts. Let's examine our motives, desires, and intentions. We can start with a small act of generosity. It could be donating to a charity, helping out a neighbour, or even offering a word of encouragement to someone in need. Through these acts, we cleanse our hearts and draw closer to the heart of God and at the same time allow the temple of God in us to shine.



Dear Heavenly Father, help us to prioritize the state of our hearts over our outward appearances. Forgive us when we get caught up in trying to appear instead of being, rather than truly living out our faith from the inside out. Fill us with a spirit of generosity, that we may reflect Your love to those around us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


Monday, October 16, 2023


Le voyage de foi peut parfois ressembler à un pèlerinage ardu à travers un paysage vaste et parfois impitoyable. Chaque nouveau jour vient avec ses défis, ses épreuves, ses tentations et d’innombrables voix qui cherchent à étouffer la voix de la vérité de l’Évangile. C'est dans ces moments que les paroles de saint Paul aux Romains brillent comme un phare, nous ramenant à l'essence de notre vocation chrétienne.

« Car je n’ai pas honte de l’Évangile, car c’est une puissance de Dieu pour le salut de quiconque croit… » (Romains 1 : 16)

« Par le Christ, nous avons reçu la grâce d’être apôtres »

Nous sommes appelés à suivre le Christ grâce à notre baptême. L'appel de chaque chrétien est enraciné dans la grâce transformatrice reçue par Jésus-Christ. Ce n'est pas une grâce qui assure simplement notre salut personnel ; c'est une grâce qui nous donne du pouvoir, nous équipe et nous envoie comme ambassadeurs du Christ. Nous sommes faits apôtres, non pas par nos mérites, mais par la miséricorde infinie de Dieu. Un apôtre est quelqu’un envoyé en mission – et notre mission, transmise par le Christ lui-même, est de répandre la Bonne Nouvelle aux quatre coins de la terre.

Mais comment pouvons-nous embrasser cette identité apostolique au milieu des défis quotidiens de notre pèlerinage terrestre ?

Nous devons nous rappeler que la force d'annoncer l'Évangile ne vient pas de nous-mêmes mais de la grâce même que nous avons reçue. Tout comme saint Paul n’avait pas honte de l’Évangile, nous devrions nous aussi porter notre foi comme un insigne d’honneur, un témoignage de la puissance transformatrice de l’amour de Dieu. En tant qu'apôtres, nos vies deviennent des témoignages vivants de l'œuvre rédemptrice de Dieu, parlant plus fort que n'importe quel mot.

Amener l'obéissance de la foi pour le nom du Christ

Saint Paul poursuit : «…pour susciter l’obéissance de la foi, à cause de son nom, parmi toutes les nations…» (Romains 1 : 5). Il avait une idée claire de sa mission et y est resté attaché.

La foi n’est pas seulement une croyance passive ; c'est une obéissance active. C'est un engagement à aligner nos vies, nos actions et nos choix sur les enseignements et le cœur du Christ. Lorsque nous parlons de « l’obéissance de la foi », nous parlons d’une vie en pleine soumission à la volonté de Dieu.

Et pourquoi? "Pour le bien de son nom ."

Le nom de Jésus détient du pouvoir. C'est un nom qui guérit, sauve et transforme. Nos vies, en tant que chrétiens, sont destinées à défendre et à magnifier ce nom. Chaque acte de gentillesse, chaque parole d’encouragement, chaque prise de position en faveur de la justice et chaque geste d’amour devraient renvoyer à Lui. Dans notre pèlerinage, nous sommes à la fois receveurs et porteurs de la grâce de Dieu. Par notre obéissance, non seulement nous nous rapprochons de Lui, mais nous invitons également les autres à vivre la même relation vivifiante.

En méditant ces paroles de saint Paul, rappelons-nous notre double rôle dans ce pèlerinage terrestre : nous sommes bénéficiaires de la grâce insondable de Dieu et apôtres chargés de partager cette grâce aux autres. Prions pour avoir le courage de vivre notre foi avec une véritable obéissance, en veillant à ce que chaque pas que nous faisons aujourd'hui glorifie le nom de Jésus.

Seigneur, accorde-nous la force de marcher avec audace comme tes apôtres, de vivre une vie de foi active et de toujours montrer aux autres la puissance salvatrice de ton nom. Amen.

Que Dieu vous bénisse !




The journey of faith can often feel like an arduous pilgrimage through a vast and at times, an unforgiving landscape. The world is riddled with challenges, temptations, and countless voices that seek to drown out the voice of Truth of the Gospel. It's in these moments that the words of St. Paul to the Romans shine like a beacon, guiding us back to the essence of our Christian calling.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…” (Romans 1:16)

Through Christ, We Have Received the Grace to Be Apostles

We are called to be follow Christ thanks to our baptism. Every Christian's calling is rooted in the transformative grace received through Jesus Christ. This isn't a grace that merely assures our personal salvation; it's a grace that empowers, equips, and sends us out as ambassadors of Christ. We are made apostles, not by our merits, but by the unending mercy of God. An apostle is someone sent on a mission – and our mission, handed down by Christ Himself, is to spread the Good News to every corner of the earth.

But how do we embrace this apostolic identity amidst the challenges of our earthly pilgrimage?

We must remind ourselves that the strength to proclaim the Gospel doesn't come from ourselves but from the very grace we've received. Just as St. Paul wasn't ashamed of the Gospel, we too should wear our faith like a badge of honor, a testament to the life-changing power of God's love. As apostles, our lives become living testimonies of God's redemptive work, speaking louder than any words can.


To Bring About the Obedience of Faith for the Sake of Christ's Name

St. Paul continues, “...to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations...” (Romans 1:5)

Faith is not just a passive belief; it's an active obedience. It's a commitment to align our lives, our actions, and our choices with the teachings and the heart of Christ. When we talk about the “obedience of faith,” we are talking about a life that is in full submission to the will of God.

And why? “For the sake of his name.”

The name of Jesus holds power. It's a name that heals, saves, and transforms. Our lives, as Christians, are meant to uphold and magnify this name. Every act of kindness, every word of encouragement, every stand for justice, and every outreach of love should point back to Him. In our pilgrimage, we are both recipients and bearers of God's grace. Through our obedience, we not only draw closer to Him but also invite others to experience the same life-giving relationship.

As we meditate on these words of St. Paul, let's remember our dual role in this earthly pilgrimage: as recipients of God's unfathomable grace and as apostles tasked with sharing this grace with others. Let's pray for the courage to live out our faith with genuine obedience, ensuring that every step we take today glorifies the name of Jesus.

Lord, grant us the strength to walk boldly as your apostles, to live a life of active faith, and to always point others to the saving power of Your name. Amen.





Saturday, October 14, 2023



Hier, les catholiques du monde entier ont commémoré le dernier jour des Apparitions de notre Bienheureuse Mère Marie aux trois enfants de Fatima, au Portugal. La lumière du Christ qui brille à travers Mère Marie et continue à rayonner évoque la bataille spirituelle qui a commencé au ciel entre l'Archange Michel et Lucifer. Pour méditer sur cette bataille, je vous suggère une histoire courte et belle.

L'Oiseau en Cage et l'Ombre.

Dans un village pittoresque niché entre deux montagnes, il y avait une légende à propos d'un oiseau doré nommé Lumina et d'une créature ombragée nommée Obscura. Lumina chantait des mélodies qui pouvaient guérir les malades, réparer les cœurs brisés et apporter de la joie à quiconque entendait sa chanson. Ses plumes dorées scintillaient à la lumière du soleil, représentant la lumière de la vérité et la chaleur de l'amour.

Mais Obscura, une créature née du doute et de la peur, haïssait la chanson de Lumina. Chaque fois que Lumina chantait, Obscura essayait d'étouffer la mélodie avec ses cris stridents, jetant des ombres sur le village. Obscura voulait que les villageois oublient la lumière et vivent dans un monde de confusion et de désespoir.

Un jour, en utilisant la tromperie, Obscura parvint à piéger Lumina dans une cage, l'empêchant de voler ou de chanter librement. Avec Lumina en cage, le village fut plongé dans l'obscurité, et le désespoir se répandit parmi les villageois.

Pourtant, même de l'intérieur de la cage, Lumina continua à briller et à chanter doucement. Une jeune fille nommée Mira, sentant la faible lueur de l'espoir, s'approcha de la cage. Attirée par la persévérance de Lumina, elle comprit l'importance de la bataille spirituelle en cours. Elle vit que même si Lumina était physiquement en cage, son esprit restait intact.

Mira rallia les villageois, leur rappelant le pouvoir de la foi, de l'espoir et de l'amour. Unis dans la prière et la détermination, leur foi collective créa une force qui brisa la cage, libérant Lumina. L'oiseau doré s'éleva haut dans le ciel, sa chanson plus puissante que jamais, dissipant les ténèbres d'Obscura.


Le village fut à nouveau baigné de lumière, et les gens apprirent une leçon inestimable. La bataille entre la lumière et les ténèbres est toujours présente, mais avec la foi et l'unité, la lumière prévaudra toujours.

Cette histoire reflète les batailles spirituelles auxquelles nous sommes confrontés. Tout comme Lumina représente la lumière de la vérité et de l'amour (semblable au Royaume de Dieu), Obscura symbolise les forces qui cherchent à obscurcir et à réprimer cette lumière. Par la persévérance, la foi et l'action collective, nous pouvons vaincre les ombres et laisser la lumière briller.

La Lumière de Fatima : Commémoration du 13 octobre :

En 1917, Notre-Dame de Fatima est apparue à trois enfants bergers au Portugal, révélant des messages urgents pour le monde. Tout comme le chant de Lumina dans notre histoire, les messages de Fatima sont une source de lumière, d'espoir et de guidance. L'un des thèmes centraux de Fatima est l'appel à la prière, notamment le Rosaire, et à la pénitence pour la conversion des pécheurs et la paix dans le monde.

Les tentatives d'Obscura d'étouffer le chant de Lumina et de jeter des ombres sur le village sont comparables aux forces omniprésentes des ténèbres dans notre monde, qui répandent le doute, la peur et le conflit. Notre-Dame a averti des conséquences de la désobéissance de l'humanité envers Dieu, tout comme les ténèbres qui ont enveloppé le village lorsque Lumina était en cage. Elle a parlé de guerres, de souffrances et de la persécution de l'Église si l'humanité ne se convertissait pas et n'écoutait pas ses appels.

Cependant, tout comme Mira a rallié les villageois pour s'unir dans la foi et l'action, Notre-Dame de Fatima souligne le pouvoir de la prière collective et du sacrifice. Elle a promis que, grâce à la dévotion à son Cœur Immaculé et en priant le Rosaire quotidiennement, nous pouvons instaurer la paix et la conversion des cœurs. Cet effort collectif est essentiel pour combattre les batailles spirituelles auxquelles nous sommes confrontés, comme le montrent à la fois l'histoire et les messages de Fatima.

En reliant cette histoire à Fatima, nous sommes rappelés de l'importance de nos efforts individuels et collectifs. Nos prières, nos sacrifices et nos bonnes actions ne sont pas simplement des actes personnels ; ils contribuent à une plus grande bataille spirituelle. L'appel de Notre-Dame à Fatima nous exhorte à reconnaître le pouvoir des ténèbres qui répandent la terreur dans le monde entier, mais, plus important encore, le pouvoir encore plus grand des cœurs unis consacrés à la prière et aux bonnes œuvres pour dissiper ces ténèbres.


En tirant ces connexions, nous pouvons mieux apprécier la pertinence intemporelle des messages de Fatima et leur alignement avec le thème universel de la lumière contre les ténèbres.

Bonne fête de commémoration du dernier message de Notre-Dame de Fatima et du miracle du soleil !



L'Évangile d'aujourd'hui met davantage en lumière l'identité de Marie en tant que Mère de Jésus et celle qui écoute la Parole de Dieu. Dans la foule animée, au milieu des murmures feutrés et des cœurs impatients, se tenait une femme qui resterait gravée à jamais dans les pages de l’Évangile de Luc. Comme beaucoup d’autres, elle suivait Jésus, attirée par la profonde sagesse et l’amour qui rayonnait de lui. Son nom n'a pas été donné dans ce passage, mais ses actions et ses paroles en disent long sur le désir de l'âme humaine et le pouvoir transformateur de la rencontre avec le Christ.

La réaction de la femme :

Alors que la foule tournait autour de Jésus, écoutant les paroles de sagesse sortant de sa bouche, elle ne pouvait contenir son enthousiasme et son respect pour Jésus. Au milieu de la foule, sa voix résonnait, perçant le bruit. Elle s'est exclamée : « heureuse la Mère qui t'a porté en elle, et les seins que tu as allaités ! » C'était une déclaration d'admiration et de révérence pour Marie, la mère de Jésus. Elle pensait, comme beaucoup, que la bénédiction de Marie était uniquement enracinée dans sa connexion physique avec le Messie.

Ce que cela révèle à propos de Marie :

Ce moment révèle quelque chose de profond à propos de Marie. Sa vie, marquée par l'humilité, l'obéissance et une foi inébranlable, avait en effet été bénie d'une manière unique. Mais sa bénédiction s’étendait bien au-delà de sa relation biologique avec Jésus. Cela résidait dans son abandon total au plan divin de Dieu, en disant « oui » à l'ange Gabriel et en nourrissant le Sauveur du monde. La bénédiction de Marie était le résultat de sa profonde connexion spirituelle avec Dieu et de sa volonté d'accomplir son dessein.

La réponse de Jésus :

En réponse à l’exclamation de la femme, Jésus nous livre une révélation profonde. Il dit : « Heureux plutôt ceux qui entendent la parole de Dieu et la gardent ! » Avec ces mots, Jésus a détourné l’attention de la simple lignée physique vers la véritable essence de la béatitude.

Le sens de la réponse de Jésus :

Jésus nous enseigne à tous une leçon cruciale. Bien que Marie soit effectivement bénie pour son rôle d’être ma mère biologique de Jésus, la véritable bénédiction ne se limite pas à une lignée ou à un privilège particulier. La vraie bénédiction est pour quiconque entend la parole de Dieu et la garde. C'est pour ceux qui, comme Marie, répondent avec foi et obéissance à l'appel de Dieu, permettant à sa Parole de transformer leur vie.

Alors prenons ce message à cœur. Ne recherchons pas le bonheur uniquement dans les activités mondaines ou dans les relations extérieures. Au lieu de cela, luttons pour la bénédiction qui vient du fait d’entendre la parole de Dieu, de la méditer et de la vivre dans notre vie quotidienne.

Que Marie, la bienheureuse mère de notre Seigneur, soit un bel exemple d'humilité et d'obéissance. Comme elle, disons « oui » à la volonté de Dieu et, ce faisant, puissions-nous trouver la véritable béatitude promise par Jésus, une béatitude qui transcende toutes les circonstances terrestres et dure pour l'éternité.



Cher Père céleste,

Nous venons devant vous aujourd’hui avec un cœur humble, inspirés par les leçons de Luc 11 : 27-28. Tout comme la femme dans la foule s’est exclamée sur la bénédiction de Marie, nous reconnaissons nous aussi le rôle unique qu’elle a joué dans votre plan divin.

Pourtant, Seigneur, nous écoutons également les paroles profondes de ton Fils, Jésus, qui nous a rappelé que la vraie bénédiction ne se trouve pas seulement dans la lignée mais dans l’écoute et le respect de ta Parole. Nous prions pour que vous nous aidiez à intérioriser cette vérité dans nos vies.

Puissions-nous, comme Marie, trouver le courage de dire « oui » à votre volonté, d’embrasser l’obéissance et la foi comme elle l’a fait. Puissions-nous lutter pour la bénédiction qui vient d’une relation profonde avec vous, en méditant sur votre Parole et en la vivant chaque jour.

Guide-nous, Seigneur, pour rechercher la bénédiction qui transcende les activités mondaines et les liens terrestres. Aide-nous à aligner nos cœurs sur ton dessein divin, afin que nous puissions expérimenter la joie et la paix durables que toi seul peux nous offrir.

Nous faisons nos prières par le Christ notre Seigneur ! Amen



Today’s Gospel sheds more light on the identity of Mary as the Mother of Jesus. In the bustling crowd, amidst the hushed whispers and the longing hearts, there stood a woman who would forever be etched in the pages of the Gospel of Luke. She, like many others, had been following Jesus, drawn to the profound wisdom and love that radiated from Him. Her name was not given in this passage, but her actions and words speak volumes about the longing of the human soul and the transformative power of encountering Christ.

The Reaction of the Woman:

As the crowd swirled around Jesus, listening to the words of wisdom coming out of this mouth, she couldn't contain her excitement and reverence for Jesus. In the midst of the throng, her voice rang out, breaking through the noise. She exclaimed, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!” It was a declaration of admiration and reverence for Mary, the mother of Jesus. She thought, like many do, that Mary’s blessedness was solely rooted in her physical connection to the Messiah.

What This Reveals About Mary:

This moment reveals something profound about Mary. Her life, marked by humility, obedience, and unwavering faith, had indeed been blessed in a unique way. But her blessedness extended far beyond her biological relationship with Jesus. It lay in her complete surrender to God’s divine plan, saying “yes” to the angel Gabriel, and nurturing the Savior of the world. Mary’s blessedness was a result of her deep spiritual connection with God and her willingness to fulfill His purpose.

Jesus’ Response:

In response to the woman’s exclamation, Jesus did something characteristically profound. He said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” With these words, Jesus redirected the focus away from mere physical lineage and towards the true essence of blessedness.

The Meaning of Jesus’ Reply:

Jesus is teaching us all a crucial lesson. While Mary is indeed blessed for her role in God’s plan, true blessedness is not confined to a particular lineage or privilege. True blessedness is for everyone who hears the word of God and keeps it. It is for those who, like Mary, respond in faith and obedience to God's calling, allowing His Word to transform their lives.

So, let us take this message to heart. Let us not seek blessedness in worldly pursuits or external relationships alone. Instead, let us strive for the blessedness that comes from hearing the word of God, meditating on it, and living it out in our daily lives.

May Mary, the blessed mother of our Lord, serves as a beautiful example of humility and obedience. Like her, let us say “yes” to God’s will, and in doing so, may we find the true blessedness that Jesus promised, a blessedness that transcends all earthly circumstances and endures for all eternity.



Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before you today with humble hearts, inspired by the lessons from Luke 11:27-28. Just as the woman in the crowd exclaimed the blessedness of Mary, we, too, recognize the unique role she played in your divine plan.

Yet, Lord, we also heed the profound words of your Son, Jesus, who reminded us that true blessedness is not solely found in lineage but in hearing and keeping your Word. We pray that you help us internalize this truth in our lives.

May we, like Mary, find the courage to say “yes” to your will, to embrace obedience and faith as she did. May we strive for the blessedness that comes from a deep relationship with you, meditating on your Word, and living it out each day.

Guide us, O Lord, to seek the blessedness that transcends worldly pursuits and earthly ties. Help us to align our hearts with your divine purpose, that we may experience the lasting joy and peace that only you can provide.

We make our prayers through Christ our Lord! Amen


Friday, October 13, 2023


Dans le passage évangélique d'aujourd'hui, Jésus chasse un démon d'un homme muet, lui permettant ainsi de parler. Au lieu de se réjouir de cette délivrance miraculeuse, certains attribuent le pouvoir de Jésus à Belzébul, le prince des démons. Ce contexte prépare le terrain pour l'enseignement de Jésus sur le Royaume de Dieu, le combat spirituel et les conséquences de l’incrédulité.

L'attitude de Jésus face à la critique :

Face aux sceptiques et aux opposants, Jésus demeure l’incarnation de la patience et de la sagesse. Sa réponse est marquée par la logique, le calme et l'autorité. Il ne se met pas sur la défensive et ne renvoie pas l'insulte. Au lieu de cela, Jésus utilise la critique comme une opportunité pour révéler l'absurdité des allégations portées contre lui et mettre en lumière une vérité plus profonde sur le Royaume de Dieu. L'attitude de Jésus face à la critique est une grande leçon pour nous.

Transformer la critique en opportunité :

Comme l'a dit Jésus : « Tout royaume divisé contre lui-même est dévasté, et une maison divisée tombe ». En d’autres termes, si l’objectif de Satan est de s’opposer au Royaume de Dieu, pourquoi donnerait-il à Jésus le pouvoir de démanteler ses propres opérations ? Ce serait assurément contre-productif. En posant ces questions logiques, Jésus expose l’incohérence et l’irrationalité de ceux qui le critiquent. De plus, en mentionnant que d'autres chassent les démons au nom de Dieu et en se demandant par quelle puissance ils le font, Jésus place adroitement les critiques dans un dilemme. S’ils prétendent que c’est par la puissance de Dieu, alors pourquoi ne pas croire Jésus ? S’ils prétendent que c’est par la puissance du diable, ils condamnent les leurs. C’est ainsi que Jésus a réussi à démasquer satan et ses partisans.

Démontrer le Royaume de Dieu :

Le véritable objectif des miracles de Jésus était de démontrer la réalité, la puissance et la proximité du Royaume de Dieu. En chassant le démon, Jésus montre que le règne de Dieu s'oppose à la domination de Satan. Lorsqu'il déclare : « Mais si c'est par le doigt de Dieu que je chasse les démons, alors le Royaume de Dieu est venu sur vous », il indique que les puissances des ténèbres sont renversées par la puissance supérieure de Dieu. Jésus lie le diable et récupère ce qu'il a volé. C'est une affirmation de la suprématie du Christ sur toute puissance maléfique. Et c'est ce même pouvoir que Jésus a donné à ses disciples en les envoyant en mission (Luc 10, 17-20).

Un avertissement concernant la neutralité :

Jésus approfondit le thème du combat spirituel avec la parabole de l'esprit impur qui quitte une personne et revient plus tard avec sept autres esprits. Cela illustre le danger des vides spirituels. Il ne suffit pas de se débarrasser d'un mal, il faut être rempli du Saint-Esprit et rester en lien constant avec Dieu par la prière et les œuvres de charité. Ainsi, nous pourrons toujours résister à l’ennemi.

Conclusion :

Tout comme Jésus, nous ne devrions ni fuir ni craindre les critiques adressées à notre foi. Au contraire, nous devrions les voir comme des opportunités pour éclairer et affirmer les vérités de notre foi. Nos réponses se doivent d'être ancrées dans la sagesse, le respect, l'amour et la vérité.

Il est essentiel de reconnaître que la lutte entre le bien et le mal est une réalité concrète. En tant que disciples du Christ, nous devons être conscients que lorsque nous soutenons le Royaume de Dieu, nous nous positionnons contre le royaume des ténèbres. Ceux qui redoutent la lumière de la vérité évangélique ou qui ne la comprennent pas s'opposeront à nos paroles et actions. Notre victoire et notre persévérance dans cette bataille ne sont possibles qu'avec le soutien de l'Esprit de Dieu.


Today, Catholics all over the world commemorate the last day of Apparitions of our Blessed Mother Mary to the three kids in Fatima, Portugal. The light of Christ that shines through Mother Mary and continues to shine echoes the spiritual battle that started in heaven between Archangel Michael and lucifer. To meditate on this battle, I suggest a short and beautiful story. 

The Caged Bird and the Shadow.

In a quaint village nestled between two mountains, there was a legend about a golden bird named Lumina and a shadowy creature named Obscura. Lumina sang melodies that could heal the sick, mend broken hearts, and bring joy to anyone who heard its song. Its golden feathers shimmered in the sunlight, representing the light of truth and the warmth of love.

But Obscura, a creature birthed from doubt and fear, hated Lumina's song. Every time Lumina sang, Obscura would try to drown out the melody with its shrill screams, casting shadows over the village. Obscura wanted the villagers to forget the light and live in a world of confusion and despair.

One day, using deceit, Obscura managed to trap Lumina in a cage, preventing it from flying or singing freely. With Lumina caged, the village was shrouded in darkness, and despair spread among the villagers.

Yet, even from within the cage, Lumina continued to shine and sing softly. A young girl named Mira, feeling the faint light of hope, approached the cage. Drawn to Lumina's perseverance, she realized the importance of the spiritual battle at hand. She saw that while Lumina was caged physically, its spirit remained unbroken.

Mira rallied the villagers, reminding them of the power of faith, hope, and love. United in prayer and determination, their collective faith created a force that broke the cage, freeing Lumina. The golden bird soared high, its song more potent than ever, dispelling Obscura's darkness.

The village was once again bathed in light, and the people learned an invaluable lesson. The battle between light and darkness is ever-present, but with faith and unity, light will always prevail.


This story mirrors the spiritual battles we face. Just as Lumina represents the light of truth and love (akin to the Kingdom of God), Obscura signifies the forces that aim to overshadow and suppress that light. Through perseverance, faith, and collective action, we can overcome the shadows and let the light shine.

Light from Fatima: October 13th commemoration:

In 1917, Our Lady of Fatima appeared to three shepherd children in Portugal, revealing urgent messages for the world. Much like Lumina's song in our story, the messages from Fatima are a source of light, hope, and guidance. One of the central themes of Fatima is the call to prayer, particularly the Rosary, and penance for the conversion of sinners and for peace in the world.

Obscura's attempts to drown out Lumina's song and cast shadows over the village parallel the pervasive forces of darkness in our world that spread doubt, fear, and conflict. Our Lady warned of the consequences of humanity's disobedience to God, much like the darkness that enveloped the village when Lumina was caged. She spoke of wars, suffering, and the persecution of the Church if humanity did not convert and heed her calls.

However, just as Mira rallied the villagers to unite in faith and action, Our Lady of Fatima emphasizes the power of collective prayer and sacrifice. She promised that, through devotion to her Immaculate Heart and by praying the Rosary daily, we can bring about peace and the conversion of hearts. This collective effort is crucial in combating the spiritual battles we face, as seen in both the story and the Fatima messages.

By connecting the story to Fatima, we're reminded of the significance of our individual and collective efforts. Our prayers, sacrifices, and good works are not just personal acts; they contribute to a larger spiritual battle. Our Lady's call at Fatima urges us to recognize the power of darkness disseminating terror worldwide but, more importantly, the even greater power of united hearts devoted to prayer and good works in dispelling that darkness.

Drawing these connections, we can better appreciate the timeless relevance of the Fatima messages and their alignment with the universal theme of light versus darkness.


Happy feast of commemoration of last message of Our Lady of Fatima and miracle of the sun!


In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus casts out a demon from a mute man, enabling him to speak. Instead of rejoicing at the miraculous deliverance, some people attribute Jesus’ power to Beelzebul, the prince of demons. Such a backdrop sets the stage for the teaching of Jesus on the Kingdom of God, spiritual warfare and the consequences of unbelief. 

Jesus’ attitude towards criticism:

In the face of doubters and naysayers, Jesus remains the embodiment of patience and wisdom.  His response is marked by logic, calmness, and authority. He doesn’t get defensive or return the insult. Instead, Jesus uses the criticism as an opportunity to lay bare the absurdity of the allegation against him and shed light on a deeper truth about God’s Kingdom. Jesus’ attitude towards criticism is great lesson for us.

Turning Criticism into Opportunity:

Jesus said: “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls”. In other words, If Satan’s objective is to oppose the Kingdom of God, why would he empower Jesus to dismantle his own operations? It would certainly be counterproductive. By posing these logical questions, Jesus exposes the inconsistency and irrationality of those criticizing him.

Moreover, by mentioning that others cast out demons in God’s name and asking by whose power they do so, Jesus cleverly places the critics in dilemma. If they claim it’s by God’s power, then why not believe Jesus? If they claim it’s by the devil’s power, they condemn their own.

There is a deep spiritual truth that Jesus reveals to us in this today’s Gospel episode. This is more visible in the Gospel of Matthew where Jesus says: “And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven (…) either in this age or in the age to come” (Mt 12:31-32). Jesus underscores here the gravity of rejecting the clear manifestation of the Holy Spirit. It’s not just about opposing a miracle; it’s about resisting God’s very presence and power in the world.

Demonstrating the Kingdom of God.

The true purpose behind Jesus’ miracles was to demonstrate the reality, power and nearness of the Kingdom of God. By casting out the demon, Jesus showed that the reign of God had been manifested against the dominion of satan. When he declares, “But if it is by the finger of God that I cast out demons, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you”, he is signifying that the powers of darkness are being overthrown by the superior power of God. Jesus binds the devil and plunders what he has stolen. Its an affirmation of Christ’s supremacy over any evil power. And it is this same power that Jesus gave to his disciples while sending them on mission (Luke 10, 17-20).

A warning about neutrality:

Jesus further elaborates on the spiritual warfare theme with the parable of the unclean spirit that leaves a person and later returns with seven other spirits. This illustrates the danger of spiritual vacuums. It’s not enough to merely rid oneself of an evil, one must be filled with the Holy Spirit and constantly connect with God through prayer and works of charity. Thus, we will be able to resist the enemy always.


Like Jesus, we should not shy away or be afraid of criticisms against our faith but see them as opportunities to elucidate truths about our faith. Our responses should be grounded in wisdom, respect, love and truth.

It is important for us to understand that the battle between good and evil is real. As followers of Christ, we should always keep in mind that when we stand with the Kingdom of God, we stand against the kingdom of darkness. And those who are afraid of light of the truth of the Gospel or who do not know the truth of the Gospel will oppose what we say and do. We can only be victorious and persevere in this battle with the help of the Spirit of God.


Prayer for Spiritual Discernment and Strength.

Heavenly Father,

In the face of doubts and criticisms, may we, like Jesus, be filled with Your wisdom and grace. Grant us the clarity to see through the shadows of deception, and the courage to stand firm in our faith.

As we reflect on the battle between light and darkness, remind us that we are not alone. Just as Jesus demonstrated the power of Your Kingdom, empower us to be beacons of Your love and truth in the world.

Lord, protect our hearts from spiritual vacuums. May we always seek to be filled with Your Holy Spirit, drawing close to You through prayer, charity, and acts of service.

In moments of challenge, may we remember that with Your Spirit, we are victorious. Strengthen our resolve to be ambassadors of the Gospel, and guide us to live in alignment with Your Kingdom's purpose.

We make our prayers through Christ our Lord! Amen. 

May God grant you victory over every power of darkness and fill your life permanently with the Holy Spirit!🙏🙏🙏

Un Regard Qui Transforme une Vie (Luc 5,27-32)

Chères Sœurs et chers Frères, que la Paix et l’Amour du Christ soient avec vous tous !!! Aujourd’hui, nous méditons sur l’appel de Lévi,...