Friday, January 12, 2024


Reading the Gospel of Mark Chapter 2, verses 1-12, one is compelled to ask: why did people often gather around Jesus, eager to listen to Him? What was it about Jesus that drew so many to Him? Mark writes: “Many gathered together so that there was no room for them, not even around the door. And he (Jesus) preached the Word to them.”

Undoubtedly, Jesus spoke in a manner that was not only captivating but also life-giving. The Gospel often states “He spoke with authority and not like their Scribes”. Jesus offered a new perspective on the law, and emphasized the importance of Love, compassion and forgiveness over strict adherence to rituals and rules. He was against formalism and outward religious rituals that failed to transform people’s life. People gathered around Jesus because He matches his words with actions; he was coherent, with no contradiction between what He preaches and what he did. He was authentic and trustworthy.

As Jesus was teaching, four men brought a paralyzed man to him, but could not gain access to him due to the crowd. They could have been discouraged; but this was not the case. Instead, they creatively found a way to lower the paralytic through the roof. And thus, he was brought close to Jesus. 

Mark notes that Jesus saw their faith and said to the paralytic, “Child, your sins are forgiven!” This Gospel illustrates that in  our  journey  to encounter Jesus, we will surely face obstacles sometimes. It is during such moments that we should seek to develop a  more creative faith. As Christians, this Gospel challenges us and invites us to  express our faith through concrete actions. Regarding this point, Jesus made a wake-up call to his disciples when he said that “the children of the age are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than children of light” (refer to Luke 16:8). Jesus wants us to be astute. God will always give us the grace, wisdom, knowledge to carry out our mission in a world that is more and more hostile to Christ and the Gospel. All we need is to ask for it. 

Jesus recognizes our faith just as he did with these four men. Their faith in Jesus’ ability to heal demonstrates how faith can help us overcome physical or situational barriers. God sees our struggles to believe and will always appreciate them.

The four men who carried their friend to Jesus represent the communal aspect of faith. We are called to help and support one another, especially those who may be struggling to come to Jesus on their own. This act of bringing others to Jesus is a crucial aspect of Christian discipleship; it teaches us that our faith is not just a personal journey but also a communal one. A unique way of bringing others to Jesus is through prayer. It is so heartwarming to know that, thanks to our faith, God can do miracle in the lives of others. He does the same in our lives thanks to the prayers of others. This Gospel teaches us that our faith should be creative end enduring. Christians should please unite in Christ and this world would be better. This is urgent message.

Jesus’ response to the paralyzed man saying “Child, your sins are forgiven” - illustrates the importance he placed on spiritual healing. He first forgave the man's sins before healing his physical ailment, which reminds us that our spiritual well-being is paramount to God. People are broken, their lives fragmented. Being reconciled with God is the foundation of all healing, and this what our world really needs today: spiritual healing and restoration. What Jesus did for this paralytic he can do and want to do for whoever comes to him with faith.

Let us learn to persist in our faith and seek creative ways to overcome challenges of faith in our daily life. It is also vital for us to be supportive of each other in our spiritual journey. Christians need to be united in Christ more than ever. May God help us grow stronger in faith this week, Amen.🙏🙏🙏


  1. Some life challenges can help purify our faith and make it stronger.

  2. It appears easier to believe when all seem to be working as we want it but difficult to say I believe when temptations , difficulties assail us.


Un Regard Qui Transforme une Vie (Luc 5,27-32)

Chères Sœurs et chers Frères, que la Paix et l’Amour du Christ soient avec vous tous !!! Aujourd’hui, nous méditons sur l’appel de Lévi,...